Feb 07, 2025  
2016-2017 Catalog 
2016-2017 Catalog [ARCHIVED CATALOG]

Nathan M. Bisk College of Business

Dean S. Ann Becker, Ph.D.

Senior Associate Dean
Theodore R. Richardson III, Ed.D.

Associate Dean, Academics
Enrique M. Perez, Ph.D.

Assistant Dean, Academics, Online Programs
Christian J. Sonnenberg, Ph.D.

On-Campus Business Degree Programs

Business Administration, B.S.   
Business Administration - Accounting, B.S.  
Business Administration - Entrepreneurship, B.S.   
Business Administration - Global Management and Finance, B.S.  
Business Administration - Information Technology Management, B.S. 
Business Administration - Leadership and Social Responsibility, B.S.  
Business Administration - Marketing, B.S.  
Business Administration - Sport Management, B.S. 
Business and Environmental Studies, B.S.  
Healthcare Management, M.B.A.  
Information Systems, B.S. 
Master of Business Administration, M.B.A.  

On-Campus Undergraduate Minor Programs

Accounting Minor  
Business Administration Minor  
Entrepreneurship Minor  
Management Minor  
Management Information Systems Minor  

Online Business Degree Programs

Note: Online only; requires special enrollment status. See admission information at www.floridatechonline.com.

Accounting, A.A.  
Accounting, B.A. 
Accounting, M.B.A. 
Accounting and Finance, M.B.A. 
Business Administration, A.A. 
Business Administration - Accounting, B.A. 
Business Administration - Computer Information Systems, B.A. 
Business Administration - Healthcare Management, B.A. 
Business Administration - Management, B.A. 
Business Administration - Marketing, B.A. 
Cybersecurity, M.B.A.  
Finance, M.B.A. 
Global Supply Chain Management, M.B.A.  
Healthcare Management, A.A. 
Healthcare Management, M.B.A. 
Human Resources Management, B.A.  
Information Technology, M.S. 
Information Technology - Cybersecurity, M.S.  
Information Technology - Database Administration, M.S. 
Information Technology - Enterprise Resource Planning, M.S. 
Information Technology Management, M.B.A. 
International Business, M.B.A. 
Management, A.A.  
Management, B.A.  
Management, M.B.A. 
Marketing, A.A. 
Marketing, M.B.A. 
Master of Business Administration, M.B.A. 
Project Management, M.B.A.  

Online Undergraduate Minor Program

Human Resources Management Minor  

Online Graduate Certificate Programs

Healthcare Management Certificate  
Information Technology Management Certificate   
Management Certificate  


Department of Extended Studies  

Off Campus Sites

Eglin Air Force Base   
Fort Dix   
Fort Lee   
Hampton Roads  
Lake Nona 
National Capital Region  

Saint Petersburg  
Southern Maryland HEC  
Virtual Site  

Director, Center for Entrepreneurship and New Business Development
Robert Keimer, M.I.A.

Director, Center for Ethics and Leadership
Steve Rivet, MBA

Director, Center for Life Cycle and Innovation Management
Abram L.J. Walton, Ph.D.

Director, Department of Extended Studies
John C. Barranti, Ed.D.

Director, Industry Education Programs
Thomas J. Stauffacher, M.S.

Manager, Learning Assessment
John Allen, MBA

Manager, Online Business Programs
Christopher J. Durie, MBA

LuAnn G. Bean, Ph.D., accounting choice decisions, financial reporting and valuation, internal auditing, information technology.

S. Ann Becker, Ph.D., University Professor, Web usability and accessibility, human-computer interaction, database technology, gerotechnology, software engineering, contract management.

Isabella D. Bunn, Ph.D., J.D., Robert L. Long Professor of Ethics, global ethics, corporate social responsibility, human rights, the right to development, international economic law.

Anthony J. Catanese, Ph.D., University President, real estate finance, architecture, urban planning.

B. Andrew Cudmore, Ph.D., quality perceptions, Internet marketing, persuasion knowledge, customer/salesperson interaction, store brand management, customer complaining behavior.

Michael H. Slotkin, Ph.D., international economics, strategic trade policy, managerial economics, environmental and resource economics.

Associate Professors
Ivonne A. Delgado Perez, Ph.D., PHR, SHRM-CP, management, human resources management, entrepreneurship.

Amitabh S. Dutta, Ph.D., finance, corporate policy, investments, portfolio performance, pedagogy.

Alexander R. Vamosi, Ph.D., economic impact assessment, ecotourism, monetary policy, economic growth.

Abram L.J. Walton, Ph.D., organizational and human behavior, leadership, motivation, high performance work teams, industrial design, lean enterprise, product life cycle management, intellectual property, technology innovation, entrepreneurship.

Assistant Professors
Scott N. Benjamin, Ph.D., entrepreneurship, new business development, strategy, space commercialization.

Chuck Bryant, DBA, international business, international strategy, international entrepreneurship; regionalization; globalization; global finance.

Troy S. Glassman, Ph.D., organizational behavior, organizational development, organizational design, adaptive leadership, critical analysis, logistics management, contingency planning.

Lars Hansen, Ph.D., sport management, corporate diversification, chance and luck in business strategy, competitive advantage.

Keiron E. Hylton, J.D., creativity, innovation, entrepreneurship, intellectual property, philosophy of education, leadership, strategic planning, corporate strategy and governance, growth models, mergers, acquisitions.

Sherry M. Jensen, Ph.D., labor economics, industrial organization, economics of education.

Fengkun Liu, Ph.D., social networks, recommender systems, mobile application adoption.

Emily Martinez-Vogt, Ph.D., organizational planning and behavior, school experiences of Latino/Latina students.

Angel R. Otero, Ph.D., CPA., accounting information systems, financial audits, internal controls, information systems auditing, information security auditing, risk assessments.

Jignya Patel, software testing, information technology integration, boundary spanning behavior.

Enrique M. Perez, Ph.D., health management, public administration, strategic management, corporate social responsibility.

Darrel L. Sandall, Ph.D., management, entrepreneurship, innovation, workforce optimization, human capital management.

Christian J. Sonnenberg, Ph.D., web usability, mobile accessibility, human-computer interaction, adaptive interfaces, software engineering.

Luke Henning, MBA., management studies, entrepreneurship, start-ups, finance.

Trudie J. Infantini, MBA, accounting.

Robert F. Keimer, M.I.A., entrepreneurship

Lynne Mims, MBA, sport management, marketing.

Tim Muth, MBA, international business.

Steve Rivet, MBA, marketing.

Thomas J. Stauffacher, M.S., industry education programs

Adjunct Faculty
L. Bishop, J.D.; L. Carney, M.M.E.; K. Emerson, MBA; J.P. Fuller, Ph.D.; S. Helm; W.R. Northcutt, J.D.; Cynthia Schmitt, M.S.; D.L. Wildman, J.D.

Professor Emerita
Carolyn J. Fausnaugh, Ph.D.

Professors Emeriti
John P. Callahan, Ed.D.; Norman W. Chlosta, MPA; David E. Clapp, Ph.D.; John F. Clark, Ph.D.; Gerald F. Goldberg, Ph.D.; A.T. Hollingsworth, Ph.D.; A.L. Holt, Ph.D.; T. Roger Manley, Ph.D.; Ronald L. Marshall, Ph.D.; John S. Patton, D.B.A.; F. Robert Searle, D.B.A.

Mission Statement and Overview

Curricula in the Nathan M. Bisk College of Business are designed to develop and expand a student’s skills and capabilities in preparation for successful leadership in today’s dynamic business environment. The programs provide a foundational knowledge in all areas of business and expose students to ethical decision-making and being responsive to a rapidly changing global workplace. Additionally, each student in the college becomes involved in research that provides an exposure to interrelationships inherent in a knowledge-based competitive environment.

On-campus undergraduates experience real-world challenges through a program that requires a hands-on work assignment during the senior year. This program is assisted by the college’s advisory board, whose charter is to support the programs of the college and make available opportunities for students to prepare for their professional careers.

The college is a member of the Southeast U.S. Higher Education Consortium for International Business, a partnership between colleges and universities in Georgia, Alabama, Florida, Tennessee, North Carolina and South Carolina that shares information, faculty development, teaching material preparation, and proposal and grant writing.

Florida Tech is certified to operate at off-campus sites in Virginia by the State Council of Higher Education for Virginia. Florida Tech programs at the Aberdeen, Patuxent and Southern Maryland sites are approved by the Maryland State Higher Education Commission.

The Nathan M. Bisk College of Business is an accredited member of the International Assembly for Collegiate Business Education (IACBE). A list of accredited business programs can be found at http://cob.fit.edu/accreditation.php. The master of business administration-project management degree program is also accredited by the Project Management Institute Global Accreditation Center for Project Management Education Programs (GAC).

The faculty of the college are dedicated to staying on the cutting edge of their disciplines and to offer students the chance to grow and reach their full potential. The small class sizes and activities available to the students create a close student-faculty relationship from the first class all the way to graduation.

The Nathan M. Bisk College of Business offers a variety of discipline-based programs at both the undergraduate and graduate level. All programs include a global perspective of today’s economy and the use of technology in furthering the business enterprise. Programs are provided in three delivery modes: on campus, at off-campus sites and online. All emphasize quality of instruction and the best preparation possible for business students preparing for one of the most exciting professional careers available today.

The college offers online associate degrees and a number of bachelor’s degrees and master’s degrees online, on campus and at off-campus sites through extended studies. Courses are open to those seeking degrees as well as those wishing to take selected subjects for professional development. Degree requirements can be met by a combination of Florida Tech courses, transfer credits from other accredited institutions and transfer credits from certain military schools for those courses designated by Florida Tech. Information on the specific military courses accepted is available from the site director.

Fast Track Master’s Programs for Undergraduates

The fast track program allows all Florida Tech undergraduate students who have completed at least 95 credit hours (at least 35 credit hours at Florida Tech) with an earned GPA of at least 3.4 to complete a master’s degree program at an accelerated pace.

Nathan M. Bisk College of Business students who have completed at least 95 credit hours and students in all other colleges who have completed the sixth semester of undergraduate work who are accepted into the Nathan M. Bisk College of Business fast track program may earn graduate-level credit hours during their senior year and, when earning at least a B grade, apply up to six graduate credit hours to both their bachelor’s and master’s degrees (subject to approval of their undergraduate program advisor).

Typically, graduate courses would satisfy required business courses (business majors) or other business, free or technical elective undergraduate requirements (non-business majors). Graduate credit hours applied to both degrees are treated as transfer credit (GPA does not apply) when applied toward the master’s degree.

Fast track students are encouraged to complete the two-course foundation sequence, Essentials of Business Development 1 (BUS 5601) and Essentials of Business Development 2 (BUS 5602).

Interested students should consult the Nathan M. Bisk College of Business associate dean of academics and their department head for more information about graduate and fast track programs available in the college.

Minor Programs

Minors in accounting, business administration, entrepreneurship, human resources management, management, and management information systems are offered through the Nathan M. Bisk College of Business. The intent of the minor is to encourage and recognize focused study outside the student’s major. Therefore no more than nine credit hours of the minor may be named courses in the major and at least nine credit hours of the minor must be taken at Florida Tech. Additional restrictions may be placed on the minor. Requests to pursue the minor will require approval by both the major and minor program chairs.

The minor will be indicated on the student’s transcript and resulting diploma. A minor program GPA of at least 2.0 is required in order to receive recognition for the minor on the student’s diploma, and the minor is only awarded at the same time as the major. The request for a minor must be made before filing the petition to graduate and must be indicated on the petition.

A complete policy statement regarding minors can be found under “Undergraduate Student Information” in the Academic Overview section.

Graduate Certificate Programs

The college offers four online graduate certificate programs through Florida Tech University Online. Each program provides a “mini-MBA” approach to students interested in business administration but not ready to commit to the regular MBA degree program.

The graduate certificates are available online only and subject to specific admission requirements through Florida Tech University Online.


Center for Entrepreneurship and New Business Development (CENBD)

Robert Keimer, M.I.A., Instructor, Nathan M. Bisk College of Business, Director. The Center for Entrepreneurship and New Business Development integrates entrepreneurial education, training and research in pursuit of enterprise creation, sustainability and growth. The center fosters partnerships among students, faculty, community members and entrepreneurs. These partnerships support an educational environment bridging theory and practice in pursuit of early-stage innovation, business leadership and new business ventures. The center encompasses weVENTURE (formerly the Women’s Business Center) funded in part by a cooperative agreement with the U.S. Small Business Administration, offering technical assistance for nascent entrepreneurs and small businesses.

The center also encompasses a Student Business Incubator providing physical space to students for venture housing and business advisor services for mentoring successful entrepreneurs. Students apply a Lean Launchpad® curriculum that drives action and accountability. Students learn the theory behind what drives entrepreneurial success while actually going directly to the market in order to gather information and build the ventures.

Center for Lifecycle and Innovation Management

Abram L.J. Walton, Ph.D., Associate Professor, Nathan M. Bisk College of Business, and Michael Grieves, D.M., Research Professor, Nathan M. Bisk College of Business, Co-Directors. The mission of the Center for Lifecycle and Innovation Management (CLIM) is to serve as an interdisciplinary center integrating product design, engineering, manufacturing, support and disposal functions for the development of international applied research on, and the dissemination and education of the use of, Innovative Product Lifecycle Management (PLM) concepts, processes and practices in industry.

The objectives of the CLIM is to be the preeminent independent source of expertise and knowledge regarding the development and use of PLM and innovation strategies in creating and assessing value for product organizations, to provide thought leadership in setting the direction and standards of innovation and PLM, and to educate and train organizations in the concepts and capabilities of people, processes, practices, and technologies as it pertains to PLM and innovation.

Center for Ethics and Leadership

Abram L.J. Walton, Ph.D., Associate Professor, Director. The center promotes the practice of ethical behavior and effective leadership through activities providing a forum for research, discussion and better understanding of ethics and leadership among all stakeholders in society. The objectives of the center are achieved by organizing and participating in events such as conferences, guest speaker appearances, publishing written materials and student competitions. The center seeks to continually promote the importance of ethical behavior and leadership in society in both the domestic and international environments.


Associate Degree Programs

Bachelor’s Degree Programs

Undergraduate Degree Programs

Undergraduate Minor Programs

Graduate Certificate Programs

Graduate Degree Programs

Department of Extended Studies

Go to information for this department.


Undergraduate Degree Programs

Graduate Certificate Programs

Graduate Degree Programs