Feb 07, 2025  
2024-2025 Florida Tech Catalog 
2024-2025 Florida Tech Catalog

Department of Aerospace, Physics and Space Sciences

Ratneshwar (Ratan) Jha, Ph.D., Department Head and L3Harris Chair, Professor of Aerospace Engineering 


Mark R. Archambault, Ph.D.; rocket combustion and propulsion, rocket fuel injector modeling, computational fluid dynamics, multiphase fluid flow, spray and particulate dynamics

Marc M. Baarmand, Ph.D., Director of Computation Research At Florida Tech (CRAFT); elementary particle physics: experimental high-energy physics at CERN (CMS experiment), hadroproduction of heavy quarks in pQCD, measurement of quantum entanglement, development of ML techniques for fast event simulation.

Kastro M. Hamed, Ph.D.; STEM teaching and learning, physics education, teacher education, engineering education, mathematics education, financial education, learning sciences, student success, research methodologies

Marcus Hohlmann, Ph.D.; elementary particle physics: experimental high-energy physics with CMS experiment at CERN, development of particle detectors, muon tomography, cluster and grid computing

Ratneshwar (Ratan) Jha, Ph.D.; aircraft design, advanced composites modeling, elastic wave propagation, structural health monitoring

Ralph D. Kimberlin, Dr.-Ing.; flight test engineering, airplane performance, airplane stability and control, helicopter flight test

Daniel R. Kirk, Ph.D.; fluid mechanics, heat transfer, combustion, air-breathing propulsion, chemical and nuclear thermal rocket propulsion, shock tube flow experimentation, high-speed aerodynamics, internal flows, superconductivity for launch assist, spacecraft shielding, energy storage and propulsion

Jean Carlos Perez, Ph.D.; nonlinear dynamics and turbulence in space, astrophysical plasma flows

Eric S. Perlman, Ph.D.; extragalactic astrophysics: active galactic nuclei, jets, observational cosmology

Hamid K. Rassoul, Ph.D.; space physics and instrumentation: physics of planetary lightning, solar energetic particles and cosmic rays, magnetic storms and substorms, photochemistry of planetary upper atmospheres

Chelakara S. Subramanian, Ph.D., P.Eng. (U.K.); FllE, complex boundary layer flows (LDV, PIV/PDA, PSP/TSP), energy systems, film cooling, turbulence measurement/analysis low/high-speed wind tunnel testing, wireless sensor network for wind, hurricane wind monitoring

Ming Zhang, Ph.D.; space physics: cosmic radiation and interactions with the plasma and magnetic fields in the interstellar medium, the heliosphere and magnetospheres

Associate Professors

Konstantin V. Gamayunov, Ph.D.; theoretical and computational space plasma physics and data analysis and interpretation

Csaba Palotai, Ph.D.; comparative planetology, numerical modeling of airbursts, atmospheric dynamics and physics

Jean Carlos Perez, Ph.D.; nonlinear dynamics and turbulence in space, astrophysical plasma flows

Donald Platt, Ph.D.; Education Center director, Florida Tech at Spaceport; space systems

Eric D. Swenson, Ph.D.; spacecraft control, spacecraft systems, CubeSats, aerospace structures and vibration

Assistant Professors

Sofiane Bourouaine, Ph.D.; astrophysics, solar wind turbulence, coronal loops and wave-particle interactions

Howard Chen, Ph.D.; exoplanet atmospheres, planetary habitability, global chemistry-climate system modeling, hydrodynamic simulations, radiative transfer modeling

Souvik Das, Ph.D.; experimental high-energy physics with the CMS experiment at the Large Hadron Collider at CERN, measurements of Higgs boson properties, physics beyond the Standard Model of particle physics, searches for large extra dimensions, development of silicon-based particle detectors, fabrication of radiation-hard materials, quantum computing, and spiking neural networks for artificial intelligence

Paula do Vale Pereira, Ph.D.; small satellites and CubeSats, probes for the exploration of ocean worlds, space exploration hardware development

David Harris, Ph.D.; physics education, black hole physics

Reza Jahanbakhshi, Ph.D.; high-speed flows, turbulent flows, combustion

Kibaek Lee, Ph.D.; condensed-/gas-phase combustion, propulsion, detonation, chemical kinetics, materials modeling

Manasvi Lingam, Ph.D.; astrobiology, planetary habitability, biosignatures, classical field theory, plasma physics, black holes

Bagrat Mailyan, Ph.D.; terrestrial gamma-ray flashes, energetic emissions from thunderstorms, high energy astrophysics, neutrinoless double beta decay searches

Mirmilad Mirsayar, Ph.D.; solid mechanics, damage and fracture mechanics, advanced composites, advanced materials, additive manufacturing

Luis H. Quiroga-Nuñez, Ph.D.; stellar astrometry from space and ground-based observatories, characterization of galactic stellar populations, stellar variables and companions, exoplanet detection

Camilo A. Riano-Rios, Ph.D.; nonlinear adaptive control, spacecraft GNC, software/hardware-in-the-loop testing, robotics

Benjamin M. Sawyer, M.S.; physics education

Madhur Tiwari, Ph.D.; autonomous technologies in space and aerial systems, optimal navigation and control, learning-based control and planning, data-driven system ID, aerospace robotics, deep learning and spacecraft swarm

Donald C. Warren III, Ph.D.; supernovae and their remnants, gamma-ray bursts and their afterglows, cosmic rays and acceleration processes, virophysics, and using virtual reality as a tool for scientific visualization


James A. Gering, M.S.

Paul Martin, Ph.D.

Evan Smith, Ph.D.

Professors Emeriti

Joel H. Blatt, Ph.D.; James D. Patterson, Ph.D.; Paavo Sepri, Ph.D.

Mission Statement

The mission of the Department of Aerospace, Physics and Space Sciences is to guide the next generation of engineers and scientists into careers they will love, to understand our cosmic origins as well as the subatomic world, and drive humanity’s future on Earth, in the air, in space and on Mars.


Aerospace Engineering

The Autonomy Lab: The Autonomy Lab develops cutting-edge tools to achieve higher levels of autonomy for aerospace systems. The lab is equipped with a unique combination of Cartesian robot and air bearing flat-floor for the study of dynamics and kinematics of relative motion and contact dynamics of space/air/underwater vehicles.

SPACE Lab: The Space exPloration And spaCecraft Engineering (SPACE Lab) is equipped with a large optical table (4 feet by 8 feet), workbenches, and a fume hood. Testing equipment, such as power supplies, oscilloscopes and function generators, are also available at the lab.

Aerospace Structures Laboratory: Laboratory facilities for the mechanical testing of aerospace structures and materials include uniaxial load frames, a Dynatup® 8250 falling weight impact test machine and related instrumentation.


Current research in physics includes experimental high-energy physics, experimental and theoretical condensed matter physics, instrumentation development, theoretical and observational studies of the solar/heliospheric energetic particles and cosmic rays, physics of energetic radiations from thunderstorms and lightning, auroral and magnetospheric physics, astrophysics, engineering physics and physics education.

Experimental research in physics is carried out in a variety of laboratories operated by the department, as well as at national and international research facilities. Facilities that are currently available to students include the following laboratories:

High-Energy Physics (HEP) Laboratory: The HEP experimental efforts are centered on studying high energy hadron collisions using large particle physics experiments at major national (Brookhaven National Laboratory, New York) and international (CERN, Switzerland) accelerator facilities, as well as conducting basic detector technology research and development, and high-performance grid computing in laboratories on the Florida Tech campus. Presently, the group is involved in data-taking efforts with the CMS experiment at the CERN Large Hadron Collider and is performing physics analyses on these data. The Florida Tech group has responsibilities for calibration of the hadron calorimeters, Tier0-Tier2 data flow and validation for the B physics analysis group, operation of a Tier3 site on the Open Science Grid and a study of an upgrade of the forward muon detector with micro-pattern gas detectors. The physics analyses are focused on measurements of the properties of the top and bottom quarks, measurement of quantum entanglement with top quark pairs, development of ultrafast event simulation using ML techniques, search for new gauge bosons and more exotic phenomena at a multi-TeV energy scale. Another main research area is the development and construction of a muon tomography system for detecting high-Z materials hidden in cargo, based on advanced micro-pattern gas detectors such as gas electron multipliers. The HEP laboratory houses a Linux-based computing cluster with 180 CPU cores and 100TB of mass storage that is used for muon tomography detector simulation and data analysis and serves as a Tier3 site on the Open Science Grid for CMS data analysis. The group conducts research and development on advanced particle detector technology for the Super-LHC upgrade programs and participates in the RD51 detector development collaboration at CERN. In addition, Florida Tech is a member of the PHENIX experiment at BNL’s Relativistic Heavy Ion Collider, which is investigating a new state of matter dubbed the quark-gluon plasma.

Space Sciences

Current research activity in space sciences includes the physics of supermassive black holes and galaxy evolution, massive stars, astrophysical jets and accretion phenomena, exoplanets, planetary science, observational cosmology, cosmic ray modulation/propagation and its interactions with the interstellar medium, energetic radiation from terrestrial and planetary lightning discharges, solar wind-magnetosphere interactions and energetic particle observations and human space exploration research.

Experimental research in space science is carried out in a variety of laboratories operated by the department, as well as at national and international research facilities. Facilities currently available to students include the following laboratories:

Astronomy and Astrophysics Laboratory: Astrophysicists and students work on a wide variety of topics, including high-energy astrophysics, accretion phenomena, the physics and evolution of active galactic nuclei and their jets, observational cosmology, tests of the large and small-scale structure of our universe, compact objects, the nuclear black holes of normal and active galaxies, massive stars, binary stars, solar and stellar atmospheres, ultraviolet spectroscopy and astronomical instrumentation. Research in the laboratory also includes planetary science, with a focus on planetary geology, impact cratering, orbital dynamics, planetary magnetospheres and lightning, and astrobiology.

Research is conducted over a variety of different wavebands from the radio to gamma-rays, including observations with the Hubble Space Telescope, James Webb Space Telescope, Chandra X-ray Observatory, and XMM-Newton Observatory, as well as a wide variety of ground-based telescopes that include the 10.4-m Gran Telescopio Canarias, the Gemini Observatories, the Karl F. Jansky Very Large Array and many others. Members of the group are involved in the development of instrumentation for the 10.4-m Gran Telescopio Canarias and the development of high-dynamic-range imagers for future use in space observatories. Members of the group are involved with the Juno, Parker Solar Probe, and Voyager missions. Resources include two research labs (Astro Lab A and B) that are outfitted with Linux® and Macintosh® computers, astronomical data reduction packages including IRAF, AIPS and CIAO, as well as a wide variety of programming languages.

Ortega 0.8-m Telescope: This large research telescope forms the heart of the F.W. Olin Observatory. Installed in 2007, it sits on the rooftop of the F. W. Olin Physical Sciences Center. Equipped with a large-format CCD imaging system, lucky imager and spectrograph, it is available for student and faculty astronomy and astrophysics research projects as well as monthly public open nights.

SARA 0.9-m Telescope at Kitt Peak National Observatory, 0.6-m Telescope at Cerro Tololo Interamerican Observatory and 1.0-m Telescope at the Observatorio del Roque de los Muchachos: Florida Tech is the founding institution for the Southeastern Association for Research in Astronomy (SARA).

Geospace Physics Laboratory (GPL): This facility is a collection of three major laboratories that host all of Florida Tech’s space physicists, planetary scientists and their students’ research projects. These labs are outlined below (GPL-A-C). In a joint operation with UCLA of California, Florida Tech is hosting a 10-site meridional array of magnetometers along the east coast of the United States (the MEASURE array) from Florida to southern Canada. The array observations and particle and field measurements from various satellites are used for studying the geospace environment during magnetic storms and substorms. We also have joint operational custody (with the University of Florida) of the International Center for Lightning Research and Testing (ICLRT) that is located at Camp Blanding Joint Training Center near Starke, Florida, where airspace can be controlled for rocket-triggering.

Lightning and Instrument Development Laboratory (GPL-A): A series of recent theoretical breakthroughs and experimental detector development by our team working at both this lab and the ICLRT has led to the discovery of x-ray emission from lightning and its possible central role in understanding the lightning plasma processes. Exploring the implications of this discovery is one of the main goals of this research lab. At the ICLRT, lightning is artificially triggered using small rockets trailing wires, in effect telling the lightning when and where to strike. This allows detailed observation and theoretical investigations to help us better understand how terrestrial (and planetary) lightning works and how to better protect lightning-vulnerable assets.

Cosmic Rays and Space Weather Laboratory (GPL-B): This lab uses a network of workstations to study the energetic particle environment in the solar system. Some of the particles are cosmic rays from the galaxy, while some are produced by the sun during solar flares. By studying these particles, we try to understand the energetic phenomena in the galaxy or on the sun that affect the radiation environment on Earth. Gaining such understanding is one of our main goals to protect astronauts working in space and the electronic components on satellites. In addition, analysis of the COSPIN experiment on Ulysses and several other spacecraft datasets (Wind, SOHO, SAMPEX, ACE and RHESSI) in support of investigating the energetic particles environment with the solar system are conducted in this lab.

Space Exploration Research Laboratory (GPL-C): This lab supports a research program focused on enabling sustained human space exploration and on the origin, distribution and future of life in the universe. The lab includes imaging systems, optics, calibration and test equipment, a large clean room and other hardware used to support the development of space instrumentation. It has a high-performance computing system for modeling and simulation and a ground control system to receive data and send commands to the International Space Station. Some of the laboratory activities are housed in the Space Life Sciences Laboratory at the Kennedy Space Center, where atomic force and laser confocal fluorescence microscopes optimized for bioimaging, small-animal research hardware and other equipment supports research into the hazards associated with long-term human exposure to the space environment, such as radiation damage, loss of bone mass, muscle atrophy and cardiovascular deconditioning.

Teaching and Research Assistantships

The department offers a number of teaching and research assistantships each year. Teaching assistants participate in laboratory instruction or assisting faculty in the preparation of teaching materials and grading. Research assistants work on research projects that are often related to their own master’s thesis or doctoral dissertation investigations. Both types of assistantships are awarded on a competitive basis and provide graduate course fee remission and a stipend for living expenses. To increase the probability of receiving an assistantship, applicants are advised to apply as early as possible in the academic year prior to the requested admission.


    Bachelor of ScienceNondegreeCertificationMaster of ScienceDoctor of Philosophy