Oct 11, 2024  
2019-2020 Florida Tech Catalog 
2019-2020 Florida Tech Catalog [ARCHIVED CATALOG]

Course Descriptions

Courses are listed alpha-numerically. The 1000, 2000, 3000 and 4000 series are undergraduate courses. The 5000 series are graduate courses that can also be taken by undergraduates with cumulative grade point averages of 2.75 or higher, who have satisfied all listed prerequisites and whose registration is approved by the department head or program chair responsible for the course. The 6000 series courses are restricted to graduate students only. Courses below 1000 are developmental in nature, are not counted in GPA calculations and do not count toward any Florida Tech degree.

Courses that may be taken in fulfillment of Undergraduate Core Requirements are designated as follows: CL: computer literacy requirement, COM: communication elective, HU: humanities elective, LA: liberal arts elective, Q: scholarly inquiry requirement, SS: social science elective, CC: cross-cultural, Hon: course may include honors sections during some semesters. These designations follow the course descriptions. Other courses that satisfy Undergraduate Core Requirements are identified by the course prefix: any MTH course can be used toward meeting the mathematics requirement; and any AVS, BIO, CHM or PHY course, or EDS 1031  or EDS 1032 , toward meeting the physical/life sciences requirement.


Computer Science

  • CSE 3612 Human-Computer Interaction

    Credit Hours: 3
    Introduces the methods and principles of human-computer interaction throughout the software development life cycle. Topics include user-centered design, prototyping, modeling interaction, cognitive models and socio-organizational issues.
    Prerequisite: CSE 2410  
  • CSE 3702 Introduction to Data Science

    Credit Hours: 3
    Provides an overview of data science and its basic components (obtain, process, analyze, communication). Covers introductory concepts of data modeling and exploration, with an overview of applications of data science.
    Prerequisite: CSE 2010  and MTH 2401  
  • CSE 3801 Introduction to Cybersecurity

    Credit Hours: 3
    Provides an overview of the concepts and terminology of computer security. Introduces vulnerability analysis, risk assessment and techniques for user authentication and data protection. Discusses security issues associated with email, networks and the World Wide Web. Examines recent security-related trends and technologies.
    Prerequisite: CSE 2010  
  • CSE 4001 Operating Systems Concepts

    Credit Hours: 3
    Examines the design and implementation of operating systems. Includes process, storage and recovery management. Explores issues involved in moving from single-user systems to multitasking, multiprocessing and multiprocessor systems.
    Prerequisite: (CSE 2010  and CSE 2120 ) or ECE 2552  
  • CSE 4020 Database Systems

    Credit Hours: 3
    Introduces the fundamentals of computer database systems. Includes a review of file structures, concepts of database design, functional units of a typical database system and application of database concepts to real-world problems.
    Prerequisite: CSE 2010  or ECE 2552  
  • CSE 4051 Advanced Java Concepts

    Credit Hours: 3
    Studies core Java™ and its major class libraries. Includes exception handling, packages, threads, internationalization, building graphical user interfaces, applets, networking, RMI, introspection (Java beans), cryptography and database connectivity.
    Requirement(s): Instructor approval or prerequisite course
    Prerequisite: CSE 2010  or ECE 2552  
  • CSE 4081 Introduction to Analysis of Algorithms

    Credit Hours: 3
    Covers time and space complexity of algorithms. Analyzes algorithms for sorting, searching, string processing and graph problems. Presents strategies such as divide-and-conquer, and greedy and dynamic programming as problem-solution techniques.
    Prerequisite: CSE 2010  or (ECE 2552 , and ECE 3541 )
  • CSE 4082 Introduction to Parallel and Real-Time Algorithms

    Credit Hours: 3
    Introduces parallel algorithm development, architecture for parallel computers, programming paradigms SIMD and MIMD for shared memory and distributed memory computers. Presents parallel algorithms for matrix computations, sorting and searching, and various numerical algorithms. Includes analysis of performance and scalability of parallel algorithms.
    Prerequisite: CSE 1502  or CSE 1503  or CSE 2050  or ECE 2552  
  • CSE 4083 Formal Languages and Automata Theory

    Credit Hours: 3
    Presents abstract models of computers (finite automata, pushdown automata and Turing machines) and the language classes they recognize or generate (regular, context-free and recursively enumerable). Also presents applications of these models to compiler design, algorithms and complexity theory.
    Prerequisite: CSE 2010  or (ECE 2552 , and ECE 3541 )
  • CSE 4101 Computer Science Projects 1

    Credit Hours: 3
    A two-semester, senior-year project sequence that serves as the capstone for the project-intensive courses in computer science. Students team to implement a software project from conception to completion.
    Must be enrolled in computer science (7071). Minimum student level - senior
    Requirement(s): May not be taken concurrently
    Prerequisite: CSE 2410  and CSE 3100  
  • CSE 4102 Computer Science Projects 2

    Credit Hours: 3
    A two-semester, senior-year project sequence that serves as the capstone for the project-intensive courses in computer science. Students team to implement a software project from conception to completion.
    Must be enrolled in computer science (7071). Minimum student level - senior
    Requirement(s): May not be taken concurrently
    Prerequisite: CSE 4101  
  • CSE 4201 Software Development Projects 1

    Credit Hours: 3
    A two-semester, senior-year project sequence that serves as the capstone for the project-intensive courses in software engineering. Students team to implement a software project from conception to completion.
    Must be enrolled in software engineering (7075). Minimum student level - senior
    Requirement(s): May not be taken concurrently
    Prerequisite: CSE 2410  and CSE 3100   
  • CSE 4202 Software Development Projects 2

    Credit Hours: 3
    A two-semester, senior-year project sequence that serves as the capstone for the project-intensive courses in software engineering. Students team to implement a software project from conception to completion.
    Must be enrolled in software engineering (7075). Minimum student level - senior
    Requirement(s): May not be taken concurrently
    Prerequisite: CSE 4201  
  • CSE 4232 Computer Network Programming

    Credit Hours: 3
    Covers design and implementation of programs that communication with other programs across a computer network. Includes common protocols, network management and debugging tools, server- and client-side networking, presentation layer (ASN1, XML), secure socket layer, multithreading, exceptions and remote procedure call.
    Prerequisite: CSE 3231  or ECE 2552   
  • CSE 4234 Web Applications

    Credit Hours: 3
    Covers design and implementation of programs that offer services over the Web. Addresses Web-related standards and trends, browser compatibility, Web-related security and authentication, architectures, multimedia support and accessibility. Introduces multiple technologies (HTTP, SMTP, HTML, CSS, XML, JavaScript, PHP, JSP, applets, servelets).
    Prerequisite: CSE 1002  or ECE 2552  
  • CSE 4250 Programming Language Concepts

    Credit Hours: 3
    Surveys programming language concepts and design principles of programming paradigms (procedural, functional and logic). Includes a history of programming languages, data types supported, control structures and run-time management of dynamic structures.
    Prerequisite: CSE 2010  or ECE 2552  
  • CSE 4251 Compiler Theory

    Credit Hours: 3
    Introduces formal languages, the construction of scanners and recursive descent, LL (1) and LR (1) parsers, intermediate forms, symbol tables, code generation and optimization of resultant code.
    Prerequisite: CSE 2010  and CSE 2120  
  • CSE 4280 Computer Graphics Algorithms

    Credit Hours: 3
    Introduces computer graphics algorithms, software and hardware. Includes ray tracing, the graphics pipeline, transformations, texture mapping, shading models, sampling, global illumination, splines, animation and color models. Programming format in course provides sufficient background to write computer graphics applications.
    Prerequisite: CSE 2010  or ECE 2552  
  • CSE 4285 Game Design

    Credit Hours: 3
    Focuses on the design of video and computer games. Covers the history and business of video and computer games, game design principles and mechanics, audio and visual design, game architecture, collision detection and resolution, and artificial intelligence.
    Prerequisite: CSE 2010  
  • CSE 4301 Introduction to Artificial Intelligence

    Credit Hours: 3
    Surveys artificial intelligence, focusing on state-space and problem-reduction approaches to problem solving. Attention is given to the use of heuristics and their use in game-playing programs. Also discusses knowledge representation, automated reasoning and expert systems.
    Prerequisite: CSE 2010  or ECE 2552  
  • CSE 4400 Independent Study in Computer Science

    Credit Hours: 1 - 3
    Individual projects under the direction of faculty members of the computer science or software engineering programs.
    Requirement(s): Instructor approval
    May be repeated for a maximum of six credits
  • CSE 4410 Software Project Management

    Credit Hours: 3
    Introduces project management issues that are typical of large software projects. Includes project planning, estimation, modeling, measurement and assessment techniques. Surveys software project management tools. Overviews the key CMM process areas for project management.
    Prerequisite: CSE 3421  and CSE 4610  
  • CSE 4415 Software Testing 2

    Credit Hours: 3
    Explores structural (glass box) methods for testing software. Includes testing of variables in simultaneous and sequential combinations, application programmer interfaces, protocols, design by contract, coverage analysis, testability, diagnostics, asserts and other methods to expose errors, regression test frameworks, test-first programming.
    Prerequisite: CSE 2410  
  • CSE 4510 Special Topics in Computer Science

    Credit Hours: 3
    Explores new and emerging topics within the various disciplines included in the field of computer science. Subject matter varies, depending on the instructor and other available resources.
    Requirement(s): Instructor approval
    May be repeated for a maximum of nine credits, provided the topics change.
  • CSE 4520 Special Topics in Software Engineering

    Credit Hours: 3
    Provides instruction and experience in timely topics related to the production of quality-engineered software.
    Requirement(s): Instructor approval
    May be repeated for a maximum of nine credits, provided the topics change.
  • CSE 4610 Requirements Engineering

    Credit Hours: 3
    Studies in depth software requirements engineering tools and techniques. Includes gathering user requirements, formal specification of system behavior, system interfaces, end user and system documentation and validation techniques. Emphasizes the end-user aspect of gathering and formalizing user expectations.
    Prerequisite: CSE 2410  
  • CSE 4611 Software Maintenance and Evolution

    Credit Hours: 3
    Introduces the methods, principles and practices of software maintenance and evolution. Topics include program slicing, reusable components, refactoring, regression testing, program comprehension, reverse engineering and impact analysis.
    Prerequisite: CSE 2410  
  • CSE 4621 Software Metrics and Modeling

    Credit Hours: 3
    Examines common software metrics, axiomatic foundations of measurement, validity of measurements and measurement dysfunction, and some statistical and modeling approaches to help students make their software measurements meaningful.
    Prerequisite: (CSE 2400  or MTH 2401 ), and CSE 2410  
  • CSE 4683 Formal Methods

    Credit Hours: 3
    Introduces the use of mathematical models of software systems for their specification and validation. Includes finite state machine models, models of concurrent systems, verification of models, and limitations of these techniques.
    Prerequisite: CSE 3421  and CSE 4083  
  • CSE 5210 Formal Languages and Automata Theory

    Credit Hours: 3
    Presents abstract models of computers (finite automata, pushdown automata and Turing machines) and the language classes they recognize or generate (regular, context-free and recursively enumerable). Also presents applications in compiler design, algorithms and complexity theory.
    Recommended: Background equivalent to CSE 2010 Algorithms and Data Structures  
  • CSE 5211 Analysis of Algorithms

    Credit Hours: 3
    Presents time and space complexity of computer algorithms. Includes algorithm classes, such as divide-and-conquer, greedy, dynamic programming and backtracking; techniques for solving recurrence equations; graph algorithms; searching and sorting; and deterministic and nondeterministic polynomial time problem classes.
    Recommended: Background knowledge equivalent to CSE 2010 Algorithms and Data Structures  and MTH 1002 Calculus 2  
  • CSE 5231 Computer Networks

    Credit Hours: 3
    Introduces network design, protocol, function layering, networking architectures (TCP/IP, frame relay, ATM) and components (hubs, routers, switches), analytical issues (throughput, delay, bandwidth management, congestion and error control, sliding windows, retransmission strategies, contention resolution) and network traffic analysis methodologies.
    Recommended: Background knowledge equivalent to CSE 2400 Applied Statistics  and MTH 1002 Calculus 2  
  • CSE 5232 Network Programming

    Credit Hours: 3
    Covers design and implementation of programs that communicate with other programs across a computer network. Includes common protocols, network management and debugging tools, server- and client-side networking, presentation layer, secure socket layer, multithreading, exceptions, remote procedure call and peer-to-peer networking.
    Recommended: Background knowledge equivalent to CSE 2010 Algorithms and Data Structures  
  • CSE 5233 Computer Forensics

    Credit Hours: 3
    Introduces concepts and techniques for the seizure and examination of digital evidence, along with the legal and ethical issues related to reporting on the results. Covers forensic tools and investigative procedures and includes a survey of current literature.
    Recommended: Background knowledge equivalent to CSE 3120 Computer Architecture and Assembly Programming  and CSE 4001 Operating Systems Concepts  
  • CSE 5234 Web Applications

    Credit Hours: 3
    Covers design and implementation of programs that offer services over the Web. Addresses Web-related standards and trends, browser compatibility, Web-related security and authentication, architectures, multimedia support, accessibility and internationalization. Involves projects using multiple technologies.
    Recommended: Background knowledge equivalent to CSE 1002 Fundamentals of Software Development 2  
  • CSE 5240 Parallel Processing

    Credit Hours: 3
    Investigates architectures for parallel computers and parallel algorithms for computational problems. Discusses performance evaluation metrics for the performance of parallel processing.
  • CSE 5241 Distributed Computing

    Credit Hours: 3
    Studies the fundamental concepts in software systems that support and work in a distributed computing environment. Includes discussion of network communication mechanisms, distributed operating systems, services supporting distributed systems, distributed database systems, fault-tolerant systems and distributed algorithms.
    Recommended: Background knowledge equivalent to CSE 4001 Operating Systems Concepts  
  • CSE 5250 Programming Languages

    Credit Hours: 3
    Surveys programming language concepts including language features, implementation issues and language groups.
    Recommended: Background knowledge equivalent to CSE 2010 Algorithms and Data Structures  
  • CSE 5260 Database Systems

    Credit Hours: 3
    Introduces the analysis and design of typical database systems. Includes theoretical and practical aspects of designing database systems and a substantial project.
    Recommended: Background knowledge equivalent to CSE 2010 Algorithms and Data Structures  
  • CSE 5272 Computer and Information Security

    Credit Hours: 3
    Examines concepts of modern computer security from a practical point of view. Includes vulnerability analysis, threat modeling and risk assessment, and techniques for asset protection. Discusses economic, legal and ethical issues in computer security. Emphasizes a system-wide view of security and includes a survey of current literature.
    Recommended: Background knowledge equivalent to  CSE 2010 Algorithms and Data Structures  
  • CSE 5280 Computer Graphics

    Credit Hours: 3
    Presents the graphics pipeline for polygonal-based models. Includes mathematical concepts and data structures for graphics, coordinate systems, clipping, scan conversion, hidden-object detection, rendering, color models and graphics programming standards.
    Recommended: Background knowledge equivalent to CSE 2050 Programming in a Second Language  and MTH 1002 Calculus 2  
  • CSE 5281 Graphical User Interfaces

    Credit Hours: 3
    Studies the theories and techniques of human-computer interaction and the design of direct manipulation graphical-user interfaces that support menus, buttons, sliders and other widgets for input, text and graphics for output. Students design, implement and evaluate a graphical-user interface.
  • CSE 5290 Artificial Intelligence

    Credit Hours: 3
    Introduces the theoretical foundations of artificial intelligence, focusing on the areas of automated reasoning, search and heuristics. Introduces an AI language to implement concepts.
    Recommended: Background knowledge equivalent to CSE 2010 Algorithms and Data Structures  
  • CSE 5310 Management and Processing of Big Data

    Credit Hours: 3
    Provides students with theoretical knowledge and practical experience in data storage, management and retrieval for analysis or operations. Explores the transition from traditional data warehouse architectures to modern big-data architectures that robustly handle data variety, volumes and velocities.
  • CSE 5311 Numerical Methods for Data Analytics

    Credit Hours: 3
    Covers the mathematical and programming skills needed by data scientists. Focuses on mathematical concepts and their real-world application to data science. Reinforces the understanding of concepts by hands-on implementation using scientific programming languages such as Python or R, and industry-standard numerical packages.
  • CSE 5312 Software Engineering for Data Analytics

    Credit Hours: 3
    Presents fundamental concepts and methods required to successfully engineer the full life cycle of data-science software systems. Includes requirements and system architecture, design and construction, and testing and evaluation. Uses modern data science and software engineering tools to develop an analytics software system.
    Prerequisite: CSE 5310  and CSE 5311   Corequisite: CSE 5310  and CSE 5311  
  • CSE 5313 Applied Machine Learning at Scale

    Credit Hours: 3
    Introduces the basics of applied machine learning. Focuses on learning models from massive amounts of data and their use in prediction and pattern discovery. Uses modern parallel scalable frameworks to apply machine-learning methods to problems that include structured and unstructured data.
    Prerequisite: CSE 5312  
  • CSE 5400 Topics in Computer Science

    Credit Hours: 3
    Current topics in computer science at the introductory graduate level. Topics vary and the course may be repeated for credit.
    Requirement(s): Instructor approval
    May be repeated for credit
  • CSE 5401 Independent Study in Computer Science

    Credit Hours: 1 - 3
    Working closely with a faculty member, the student probes a subject in greater depth than is normally possible in a regular class. Requires a comprehensive paper or an applied research project.
    Requirement(s): Instructor approval
  • CSE 5402 Projects in Computer Science

    Credit Hours: 1 - 3
    Working closely with a faculty member, the student develops a project in computer science to a greater depth than is normally possible in a regular class. Requires an applied research project.
    Requirement(s): Instructor approval
  • CSE 5500 Computer Science Seminar

    Credit Hours: 0
    Presentations by faculty, graduate students and guest speakers on topics of current interest.
    May be repeated for credit
  • CSE 5501 Computer Sciences Internship

    Credit Hours: 0
    Industry-based internship experience under the supervision of a graduate faculty member, to provide professional experience for graduate students without prior experience in a practical information technology setting.
    Requirement(s): Instructor approval and at least nine graduate credit hours in computer science completed with a minimum 3.0 GPA
  • CSE 5610 Computational Complexity

    Credit Hours: 3
    Reviews problems, algorithms, Turing machines and computability. Studies Boolean and first-order logic, leading to undecidability results; and relations among complexity classes using reductions and completeness. Presents approximate and randomized algorithms.
    Prerequisite: CSE 5210  and CSE 5211  
  • CSE 5615 Computational Molecular Biology

    Credit Hours: 3
    Introduces important computational problems related to molecular biology. Includes motif finding, approximate sequence alignment, phylogeny construction and system biology. Requires knowledge in programming, discrete mathematics, data structures and algorithms. Does not require prerequisite biological sciences (BIO) course.
  • CSE 5630 Advanced Operating Systems

    Credit Hours: 3
    Studies in detail the design and implementation of an operating system. Discusses various data structures and algorithms for process, memory and input/output device management. Investigates issues in distributed operating systems.
    Recommended: Background knowledge equivalent to CSE 4001 Operating Systems Concepts  
  • CSE 5636 Network Security

    Credit Hours: 3
    Covers network intrusion detection, statistical anomaly detection and network perimeter security, and traffic monitoring including tools (Ethereal, TCPDUMP) used to analyze captured traffic streams. Overviews methods and tools used by hackers. Includes statistical anomaly detection and its role in detecting previously unseen attacks.
    Prerequisite: (CSE 5231  or ECE 5534 ) and (CSE 5272  or CYB 5272 )
  • CSE 5640 Processing and Storage of Massive Data Sets 1

    Credit Hours: 3
    Introduces large-scale distributed systems. Emphasizes big-data processing and storage infrastructures. Provides hands-on experience with scalable SQL and NoSQL data management solutions, data mining algorithms, practical statistical and machine learning concepts, and data visualization. 
    Prerequisite: CSE 5312  
  • CSE 5645 Analytics for Time Series Data

    Credit Hours: 3
    Covers analysis methods for both continuous and discrete time-series data. Emphasizes discovering patterns in the signals, removing trends, forecasting and multi-scale analysis. Gives hands-on experience with selecting techniques, formulating models and performing analysis for decision support.
    Prerequisite: CSE 5312  
  • CSE 5646 Analytics for Textual Data

    Credit Hours: 3
    Provides the knowledge and skills needed to construct, model, apply and evaluate text analytics over massive data for a variety of applications. Requires students to choose, implement and apply graphical, statistical and numerical techniques to discover key patterns and gain insight from textual data.
    Prerequisite: CSE 5312  
  • CSE 5647 Analytics for Network Data

    Credit Hours: 3
    Provides the knowledge to analyze, model and apply network science methods in a variety of applications. Emphasizes choosing, applying and implementing numerical techniques to discover key patterns and gain insight from network data. Encompasses relational, sequential and other graph-based data. 
    Prerequisite: CSE 5312  
  • CSE 5648 Analytics for Visual Data

    Credit Hours: 3
    Covers how to detect, retrieve, categorize and search information from visual data (image, video, multidimensional signals from both visible and non-visible spectra). Also covers algorithms for object recognition, detection, tracking and segmentation. Emphasizes large-scale datasets.
    Prerequisite: CSE 5312  
  • CSE 5650 Advanced Programming Languages

    Credit Hours: 3
    Presents theoretical topics in programming languages. Includes the lambda-calculus, functional programming, type interface and different approaches to the semantics of programming languages.
    Prerequisite: CSE 5250  
  • CSE 5656 Theory and Applications of Complex Networks

    Credit Hours: 3
    Explores complex networks by studying theory, developing algorithmic results and investigating applications related to networks’ distribution and redistribution of information, water, food and energy; representation of physical pipes, personal relationships or the manifestation of economic interdependencies.
    Recommended: Background knowledge equivalent to CSE 2400 Applied Statistics  and MTH 2401 Probability and Statistics  
  • CSE 5660 Database Management Systems

    Credit Hours: 3
    Studies the internal components of a database management system (DBMS). Includes data organization, query optimization, transaction processing, concurrency control, logging and recovery, security and distributed DBMS.
    Prerequisite: CSE 5260  
  • CSE 5670 Software Design Methods

    Credit Hours: 3
    Covers technical aspects of software design and development. Includes techniques to decompose a system into objects, methods for designing an object’s data structure and techniques for writing and verifying code.
  • CSE 5673 Cryptology

    Credit Hours: 3
    Focuses on making and breaking codes. Students learn how to crack enciphered messages without knowing the enciphering keys. Covers modern encryption and its application to digital signatures, digital cash, voting and cryptographic protocols.
    Recommended: Background knowledge equivalent to CSE 2010 Algorithms and Data Structures  
  • CSE 5683 Advanced Computer Vision

    Credit Hours: 3
    Reviews recent technologies and trends of computer vision and image analysis. Research oriented for graduate computer science and engineering students. Background knowledge equivalent to CSE 2010 Algorithms and Data Structures .
  • CSE 5692 Constraint Reasoning

    Credit Hours: 3
    Covers foundations of constraint satisfaction and constraint-based reasoning; problem representation and characterization; consistency checking, heuristics and search; deterministic and stochastic solving methods; and applications such as scheduling, timetabling and temporal reasoning.
    Recommended: Background knowledge equivalent to CSE 5211 Analysis of Algorithms  and CSE 5290 Artificial Intelligence  
  • CSE 5693 Machine Learning

    Credit Hours: 3
    Covers computational paradigms and techniques in learning and adaptation. Includes tree learning, rule learning, genetic algorithms, neural networks, case-based learning, Bayesian learning, analytical learning and reinforcement learning.
    Prerequisite: CSE 5290  
  • CSE 5694 Robotics and Artificial Intelligence

    Credit Hours: 3
    Introduces the concept of robot and the various algorithms used in robotics. Emphasizes artificial intelligence in robotics. Covers modeling, planning, mapping and localization algorithms. Also includes using robotic arms and teams of mobile robots.
    Recommended: Previous programming experience and background knowledge equivalent to MTH 1002 Calculus 2  
    Prerequisite: CSE 5290  
  • CSE 5780 Pattern Recognition in Biomedical Applications

    Credit Hours: 3
    Introduces the fundamentals of statistical pattern recognition with examples from different biomedical application areas. Studies techniques for analyzing multidimensional data of various types and scales. Also covers algorithms for projections, and clustering and classification of data.
  • CSE 5800 Advanced Topics in Computer Science

    Credit Hours: 3
    Current topics in computer science at the advanced graduate level.
    Requirement(s): Instructor approval
    Topics vary and the course may be repeated for credit.
  • CSE 5801 Independent Research in Computer Science

    Credit Hours: 1 - 3
    Working closely with a faculty member, the student studies a research topic and writes a research paper.
    Requirement(s): Instructor approval
    May be repeated for credit
  • CSE 5802 Research Projects in Computer Science

    Credit Hours: 1 - 3
    The student works closely with a faculty member on a well-defined research project.
    Requirement(s): Instructor approval
    May be repeated for credit
  • CSE 5899 Final Semester Thesis

    Credit Hours: 0 - 2
    Variable registration for thesis completion after satisfaction of minimum registration requirements.
    Requirement(s): Approval by Office of Graduate Programs and accepted petition to graduate
  • CSE 5999 Thesis

    Credit Hours: 3 - 6
    Research and preparation of a thesis under the direction of a member of the graduate faculty.
    Requirement(s): Thesis supervisor approval and a maximum of six credit hours may be applied toward the master of science degree requirements
  • CSE 6899 Final Semester Dissertation

    Credit Hours: 0 - 2
    Variable registration for dissertation completion after satisfaction of minimum registration requirements.
    Requirement(s): Approval by Office of Graduate Programs and accepted candidacy
  • CSE 6990 Research in Computer Science

    Credit Hours: 1 - 6
    Research conducted under the guidance of doctoral-level graduate faculty. Research may lead to preparation of a research proposal for dissertation work.
  • CSE 6999 Dissertation

    Credit Hours: 3 - 12
    Research and preparation of the doctoral dissertation under the direction of the student’s doctoral committee.

Civil Engineering

  • CVE 0002 Final Program Examination

    Credit Hours: 0
    Requires registration in order to sit for the final program examination.
  • CVE 0003 Final Program Examination 2

    Credit Hours: 0
    Requires registration in order to sit for the final program examination.
    Prerequisite: CVE 0002   Corequisite: CVE 0002  
  • CVE 0004 Final Program Examination 3

    Credit Hours: 0
    Requires registration in order to sit for the final program examination.
    Prerequisite: CVE 0003   Corequisite: CVE 0003  
  • CVE 1000 Introduction to Civil Engineering

    Credit Hours: 3
    Introduces the civil engineering sub-disciplines, including professional aspects and ethics. Uses hands-on group projects, group presentations, field trips and lectures. Includes exposure to structures, soils, transportation, hydrology, construction and the environment. Emphasizes technical communication and computer skills through all coursework.
  • CVE 1001 Computer Applications Lab

    Credit Hours: 1
    Offers a broad background in computer applications, strongly emphasizing computer-aided design. Briefly discusses word processing, spreadsheet coding and PowerPoint® presentations.
  • CVE 2080 Construction Measurements

    Credit Hours: 3
    Covers measurement of distances, elevations and angles; statistical errors and data adjustment; working with coordinates; topographic mapping and photogrammetry; global positioning systems (GPS); geographic information systems (GIS); and computer applications.
    Prerequisite: CVE 1001   Corequisite: CVE 1001 
  • CVE 2083 Construction Measurements Lab

    Credit Hours: 1
    Covers measurement of distances, elevations and angles using tapes, levels, transits, total station systems and global positioning systems (GPS). Includes field exercises that parallel course material in CVE 2080. Requires use of AutoCAD® and Excel®.
    Prerequisite: CVE 2080  Corequisite: CVE 2080  
  • CVE 3012 Engineering Materials

    Credit Hours: 3
    Addresses stress-strain concepts and the relationship between internal structure and engineering properties as the basis for selection of materials. Materials studied include metals, concretes, timber, plastics and fiber composites.
  • CVE 3013 Civil Engineering Materials Lab

    Credit Hours: 1
    Offers experiments in measurement techniques, materials testing and engineering applications.
    Prerequisite: PHY 2091  and CVE 3012   Corequisite: CVE 3012  
  • CVE 3015 Structural Analysis and Design

    Credit Hours: 3
    Introduces modeling of structures; elastic analysis of statically determinate trusses, beams and frames; influence lines for determinate and indeterminate structures; deflections by the method of virtual work and other methods; analysis of indeterminate structures.
    Prerequisite: AEE 3083 
  • CVE 3020 Soils and Foundations

    Credit Hours: 3
    Studies the application of mechanics and hydraulics to the analysis of soils. Includes engineering geology, index properties, classification, compaction, effective stress, permeability, consolidation, and shear strength behavior of soil, as well as application to the design of foundations and retaining walls.
    Minimum student level - junior
    Prerequisite: AEE 3083   
  • CVE 3021 Soil Mechanics Lab

    Credit Hours: 1
    Offers experiments in the sampling and testing of soil as an engineering material, to support topics in soil mechanics.
    Prerequisite: CVE 3020   Corequisite: CVE 3020  
  • CVE 3030 Fluid Mechanics

    Credit Hours: 3
    Includes estimation of pressure distribution and forces in static fluids, rigid body fluids and flowing fluids; integral expressions for conservation of mass and momentum; energy equation; pipe design and analyses of water distribution systems, estimation of external forces, and similitude.
    Prerequisite: MEE 2081  and (MTH 2201  or MTH 3200 ) Corequisite: MTH 2201  or MTH 3200 
  • CVE 3033 Hydraulics Lab

    Credit Hours: 1
    Offers experiments in fundamental and applied fluid mechanics, hydraulics and hydrology.
    Prerequisite: CVE 3030   Corequisite: CVE 3030  
  • CVE 3042 Water and Wastewater Systems for Land Development

    Credit Hours: 3
    Covers the topics necessary to design potable water and domestic wastewater utility systems for land development projects. Includes the treatment and distribution of potable water and the collection and treatment of wastewater.
    Prerequisite: CHM 1101  and CVE 1001  and CVE 3030   Corequisite: CVE 3030  
  • CVE 3052 Municipal Water and Wastewater Systems

    Credit Hours: 3
    Covers the topics necessary to design and develop large-scale potable water and domestic wastewater treatment facilities. Includes site planning; physical, chemical and biological treatment; sludge processing and advanced treatment methods.
    Prerequisite: CHM 1101  and CVE 1001  
  • CVE 4000 Engineering Economy and Planning

    Credit Hours: 3
    Presents economic evaluation of engineering alternatives. Includes time value of money, replacement alternatives, benefit/cost analysis, minimum cost analysis, depreciation, taxes and inflation.
    Minimum student level - junior
  • CVE 4013 Steel Structures

    Credit Hours: 3
    Studies the design of various elements of steel structures including tension members, beams, columns, beam-columns and connections. Introduces the AISC codes. Includes a design project.
    Prerequisite: CVE 3015 
  • CVE 4016 Reinforced Concrete Structures

    Credit Hours: 3
    Covers the basic mechanics of reinforced concrete and the design of reinforced concrete structures and structural elements. Introduces the design practices and procedures of the ACI code. Includes a design project.
    Prerequisite: CVE 3015 
  • CVE 4019 Timber Structures

    Credit Hours: 3
    Covers the engineering properties of timber and their effect on design of timber structures. Studies the design of various elements of timber structures including tension members, beams, bean-columns, diaphragms and connections according to the NDS ASD specification. Includes a design project.
    Prerequisite: CVE 3015 

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