Aug 31, 2024  
2015-2016 Catalog 
2015-2016 Catalog [ARCHIVED CATALOG]

Academic Calendar

Academic Calendars

Main Campus and Extended Studies

Calendars are subject to change. For more current information see

Fall 2015

March 27   Last day to file a Petition to Graduate for Fall Semester 2015 without a late fee
July 26   Last day for main campus returning students to register for Fall Semester 2015 without late registration fee of $150
Aug. 10   Tuition and fees due for Fall Semester 2015
Aug. 17   CLASSES BEGIN (Monday)
Aug. 21   Last day to register or add a class
Aug. 28   Last day to drop a class with full tuition refund and without receiving a grade of W
Sept. 4   Re-petition deadline for Fall Semester 2015 (for students who had petitioned for Spring/Summer Semester 2015)
Sept. 7   Holiday (Labor Day)
Sept. 11   Last day to file a Petition to Graduate for Spring Semester 2016 without a late fee
Oct. 2   Mid-term grading opens for faculty to enter midterm grades, 0000-, 1000- and 2000-level courses
Oct. 12   Holiday (Columbus Day)
Oct. 12-13   Fall Break
Oct. 23   Last day to withdraw from a class with a final grade of W
Nov. 6   Registration for Spring Semester 2016 begins (8 pm)
Nov. 11   Holiday (Veterans Day)
Nov. 25-27   Holiday (Thanksgiving)
Nov. 30   Last day to successfully complete graduate level defense and examination for Fall 2015 commencement
Dec. 2   Last day of classes
Dec. 3-4   Study Days (NO CLASSES)
Dec. 6   Last day for main campus returning students to register for Spring Semester 2016 without late registration fee of $150
Dec. 7   Last day to submit five (5) approved copies of thesis or dissertation to Office of Graduate Programs
Dec. 7-11   FINAL EXAMS
Dec. 12   Fall Commencement Exercises

Spring 2016

Jan. 4   Tuition and fees due for Spring Semester 2016
Jan. 11   CLASSES BEGIN (Monday)
Jan. 15   Last day to register or add a class
Jan. 15   Last day to file a Petition to Graduate for Summer Term 2016 without a late fee
Jan. 18   Holiday (Martin Luther King Jr. Day)
Jan. 22   Last day to drop a class with full tuition refund and without receiving a grade of W
Feb. 1   Registration for main campus Summer Term 2016 begins
Feb. 1   Re-petition deadline for Spring Semester 2016 (for students who had petitioned for Fall Semester 2015)
Feb. 15   Holiday (Presidents Day)
Feb. 26   Mid-term grading opens for faculty to enter midterm grades, 0000-, 1000- and 2000-level courses
March 7-11   Spring Break
March 18   Last day to withdraw from a class with a final grade of W
March 25   Last day to file a Petition to Graduate for Fall Semester 2016 without a late fee
April 2   Registration for main campus Fall Semester 2016 begins at 2 pm
April 25   Last day to successfully complete graduate level defense and examination for Spring 2016 commencement
April 27   Last day of classes
April 28-29   Study Days (NO CLASSES)
April 30, and May 2-5   FINAL EXAMS
May 2   Last day to submit five (5) approved copies of thesis or dissertation to Office of Graduate Programs
May 7   Spring Commencement Exercises (Saturday)

Summer 2016

May 2   Tuition and fees due for Summer Term 2016
May 9   First day of main campus classes, first 6-week term
May 16   First day of classes, 8-, 9- and 11-week* terms
May 20   Last day to register, add a class, or drop a class with full tuition refund and without receiving a grade of W, 8-, 9- and 11-week terms
May 30   Holiday (Memorial Day)
June 17   Re-petition deadline for Summer Term 2016 (for students who had petitioned for Spring Semester 2016)
June 17   Last day to withdraw from a class with a final grade of W, 8-, 9- and 11-week terms
June 17   Last day of classes, first 6-week term
June 20   First day of main campus classes, second 6-week term
July 4   Holiday (Independence Day)
July 8   Last day of 8-week classes (final exam on last scheduled class day)
July 15   Last day of 9-week classes (final exam on last scheduled class day)
July 18   Last day to successfully complete graduate-level defense and examination for Summer 2016
July 25   Last day to submit five (5) approved copies of thesis or dissertation to Office of Graduate Programs
July 29   Last day of second 6-week and 11-week classes (final exam on last scheduled class day)
July 31   Last day for main campus returning students to register for Fall Semester 2016 without late registration fee of $150

*Extended Studies off-campus sites use 11-week term only.


Florida Tech University Online

Calendars are subject to change. For more current information see

Fall 1 - 2015

June 25   First day to register for Fall 1 - 2015
Aug. 7   Last day to file a Petition to Graduate for Fall 1 - 2015
Aug. 19   Last day to register for Fall 1 - 2015 without late fee
Aug. 20   First day to register for Fall 2 - 2015
Aug. 26   Last day for Fall 1 - 2015 confirmation of tuition or financial aid
Aug. 26   Last day to register for Fall 1 - 2015 with late fee
Aug. 31   CLASSES BEGIN (Monday)
Sept. 6   Last day to withdraw from a class with full refund
Sept. 7   Holiday (Labor Day)
Oct. 2   Last day to file a Petition to Graduate for Fall 2 - 2015
Oct. 11   Last day to withdraw from a class with a W and no refund
Oct. 12   Holiday (Columbus Day)
Oct. 22   Last day for admissions eligibility for Fall 1 - 2015
Oct. 25   Last day of classes (Sunday)

Fall 2 - 2015

Aug. 20   First day to register for Fall 2 - 2015
Oct. 2   Last day to file a Petition to Graduate for Fall 2 - 2015
Oct. 14   Last day to register for Fall 2 - 2015 without late fee
Oct. 15   First day to register for Spring 1 - 2016
Oct. 21   Last day for Fall 2 - 2014 confirmation of tuition or financial aid
Oct. 21   Last day to register for Fall 2 - 2015 with late fee
Oct. 26   CLASSES BEGIN (Monday)
Nov. 1   Last day to withdraw from a class with full refund
Nov. 11   Holiday (Veterans Day)
Nov. 20   Last day to file a Petition to Graduate for Spring 1 - 2016
Nov. 26   Holiday (Thanksgiving)
Dec. 6   Last day to withdraw from a class with a W and no refund
Dec. 17   Last day for admissions eligibility for Fall 2 - 2015
Dec. 12   Fall Commencement Exercises
Dec. 20   Last day of classes (Sunday)
Dec. 31   Last day to register for Spring 1 - 2016 without late fee

Spring 1 - 2016

Oct. 9   First day to register for Spring 1 - 2016
Nov. 21   Last day to file a Petition to Graduate for Spring 1 - 2016
Dec. 31   Last day to register for Spring 1-2016 without late fee
Jan. 1   First day to register for Spring 2 - 2016
Jan. 7   Last day for Spring 1 - 2016 confirmation of tuition or financial aid
Jan. 7   Last day to register for Spring 1 - 2016 with late fee
Jan. 12   CLASSES BEGIN (Monday)
Jan. 18   Last day to withdraw from a class with full refund
Jan. 19   Holiday (Martin Luther King Jr. Day)
Feb. 13   Last day to file a Petition to Graduate for Spring 2 - 2016
Feb. 16   Holiday (Presidents Day)
Feb. 22   Last day to withdraw from a class with a W and no refund
March 4   Last day for admissions eligibility for Spring 1 - 2016
March 6   Last day of classes (Sunday)

Spring 2 - 2016

Dec. 31   First day to register for Spring 2 - 2016
Feb. 12   Last day to file a Petition to Graduate for Spring 2 - 2016
Feb. 24   Last day to register for Spring 2 - 2016 without late fee
Feb. 25   First day to register for Summer 1 - 2016
March 2   Last day for Spring 2 - 2016 confirmation of tuition or financial aid
March 2   Last day to register for Spring 2 - 2016 with late fee
March 6   CLASSES BEGIN (Monday)
March 13   Last day to withdraw from a class with full refund
April 8   Last day to file a Petition to Graduate for Summer 1 - 2016
April 17   Last day to withdraw from a class with a W and no refund
April 29   Last day for admissions eligibility for Spring 2 - 2016
May 1   Last day of classes (Sunday)
May 7   Spring Commencement Exercises

Summer 1 - 2016

Feb. 25   First day to register for Summer 1 - 2016
April 8   Last day to file a Petition to Graduate for Summer 1 - 2016
April 17   Last day to withdraw from a class with a W and no refund
April 21   First day to register for Summer 2 - 2016
April 27   Last day for Summer 1 - 2016 confirmation of tuition or financial aid
April 27   Last day to register for Summer 1 - 2016 with late fee
May 2   CLASSES BEGIN (Monday)
May 8   Last day to withdraw from a class with full refund
May 30   Holiday (Memorial Day)
June 3   Last day to Petition to Graduate for Summer 2 - 2016
June 12   Last day to withdraw from a class with a W and no refund
June 24   Last day for admissions eligibility for Summer 1 - 2016
June 26   Last day of classes (Sunday)

Summer 2 - 2016

April 21   First day to register for Summer 2 - 2016
June 3   Last day to Petition to Graduate for Summer 2 - 2016
June 22   Last day to register for Summer 2 - 2016 without late fee
June 23   First day to register for Fall 1 - 2016
June 29   Last day for Summer 2 - 2016 confirmation of tuition or financial aid
June 29   Last day to register for Summer 2 - 2016 with late fee
July 4   Holiday (Independence Day)
July 4   CLASSES BEGIN (Monday)
July 10   Last day to withdraw from a class with full refund
Aug. 5   Last day to file a Petition to Graduate for Fall 1 - 2016
Aug. 14   Last day to withdraw from a class with a W and no refund
Aug. 17   Last day to register for Fall 1 - 2016 without late fee
Aug. 18   First day to register for Fall 2 - 2016
Aug. 26   Last day for admissions eligibility for Summer 2 - 2016
Aug. 28   Last day of classes (Sunday)

Fall 1 - 2016

June 23   First day to register for Fall 1 - 2016
Aug. 5   Last day to file a Petition to Graduate for Fall 1 - 2016
Aug. 17   Last day to register for Fall 1 - 2016 without late fee
Aug. 18   First day to register for Fall 2 - 2016
Aug. 24   Last day for Fall 1 - 2016 confirmation of tuition or financial aid
Aug. 24   Last day to register for Fall 1 - 2016 with late fee
Aug. 29   CLASSES BEGIN (Monday)
Sept. 4   Last day to withdraw from a class with full refund
Sept. 5   Holiday (Labor Day)
Sept. 30   Last day to file a Petition to Graduate for Fall 2 - 2016
Oct. 9   Last day to withdraw from a class with a W and no refund
Oct. 10   Holiday (Columbus Day)
Oct. 19   Last day to register for Fall 2 - 2016 with late fee
Oct. 21   Last day for admissions eligibility for Fall 1 - 2016
Oct. 23   Last day of classes (Sunday)

Fall 2 - 2016

Aug. 18   First day to register for Fall 2 - 2016
Sept. 30   Last day to file a Petition to Graduate for Fall 2 - 2016
Oct. 12   Last day to register for Fall 2 - 2016 without late fee
Oct. 13   First day to register for Spring 1 - 2017
Oct. 19   Last day for Fall 2 - 2016 confirmation of tuition or financial aid
Oct.19   Last day to register for Fall 2 - 2016 with late fee
Oct. 24   CLASSES BEGIN (Monday)
Oct. 30   Last day to withdraw from a class with full refund
Nov. 11   Holiday (Veterans Day)
Nov. 18   Last day to file a Petition to Graduate for Spring 1 - 2017
Nov. 24   Holiday (Thanksgiving)
Dec. 4   Last day to withdraw from a class with a W and no refund
Dec. 15   Last day for admissions eligibility for Fall 2 - 2016
Dec. 17   Fall Commencement Exercises
Dec. 18   Last day of classes (Sunday)

Degree Programs and Codes Chart

Degree Programs and Codes