Choosing the right university is one of the most important decisions you will ever have to make. Your university experience will do more than provide you with a higher education. It will shape your life in ways that will surprise you. In addition to making friends and memories while at Florida Institute of Technology, you will also lay the foundation for a lifetime of learning and achieving. Your career begins here.
The university you choose must provide the best possible learning and living environment. We believe Florida Tech does this through small class sizes, world-class faculty, and undergraduate research options that may begin as soon as your freshman year.
With these thoughts in mind, I welcome you to the community of scholars at Florida Tech. We take your education personally.
Senior Vice Presidents Executive Council
President and Chief Executive Officer
Anthony J. Catanese, Ph.D., FAICP
Executive Vice President and Chief Operating Officer
T. Dwayne McCay, Ph.D.
Senior Vice President for Financial Affairs and Chief Financial Officer
Cathy R. Wood, MFA
Senior Vice President for Development and Chief Development Officer
Susan St. Onge, J.D., MBA
Senior Vice President for External Relations and Economic Development
Winston E. Scott, Capt. USN-Ret.
Florida Institute of Technology has become known worldwide as a premier technological university with a sincere interest in each and every student who attends.
The university has been built by dedicated, expert faculty and offers the ultimate learning experience available through individual attention in both the classroom and research laboratories.
The university grew out of the space program and continues to emphasize mankind’s thirst for discovery and knowledge. Since its founding in 1958, more than 56,000 students have earned degrees at Florida Tech.
We are pleased to welcome you to the Florida Tech family and wish you the best in all your endeavors at Florida Institute of Technology.