Sep 27, 2024  
2018-2019 Florida Tech Catalog 
2018-2019 Florida Tech Catalog [ARCHIVED CATALOG]

Course Descriptions

Courses are listed alpha-numerically. The 1000, 2000, 3000 and 4000 series are undergraduate courses. The 5000 series are graduate courses that can also be taken by undergraduates with cumulative grade point averages of 2.75 or higher, who have satisfied all listed prerequisites and whose registration is approved by the department head or program chair responsible for the course. The 6000 series courses are restricted to graduate students only. Courses below 1000 are developmental in nature, are not counted in GPA calculations and do not count toward any Florida Tech degree.

Courses that may be taken in fulfillment of Undergraduate Core Requirements are designated as follows: CL: computer literacy requirement, COM: communication elective, HU: humanities elective, LA: liberal arts elective, Q: scholarly inquiry requirement, SS: social science elective, CC: cross-cultural. These designations follow the course descriptions. Other courses that satisfy Undergraduate Core Requirements are identified by the course prefix: any MTH course can be used toward meeting the mathematics requirement; and any AVS, BIO, CHM or PHY course, or EDS 1031  or EDS 1032 , toward meeting the physical/life sciences requirement.


Introduction to Engineering

  • EGN 1000 Introduction to Engineering

    Credit Hours: 3
    Introduces engineering problem solving and professional aspects and ethics of engineering with lectures, lab demonstrations and field trips. Includes productive uses for microcomputers and spreadsheets. Also introduces the fields of science and engineering taught at Florida Tech.
  • EGN 1100 Machine Shop Certification 1

    Credit Hours: 0
    Introduces machine shop safety, using personal protective equipment, and reading and understanding material safety data sheets. Provides training for use of machine shop equipment and machine parts needed to complete a simple project.
  • EGN 1150 Combined Machine Shop Certification

    Credit Hours: 0
    Introduces machine shop safety and the use of personal protection equipment. Reviews machine shop rules. Provides training in the use of various machine shop equipment and machine parts for a simple project. Combines EGN 1100  and EGN 2100  into a single course.
  • EGN 2100 Machine Shop Certification 2

    Credit Hours: 0
    Reviews machine shop safety, using personal protective equipment, and reading and understanding material safety data sheets. Also reviews machine shop rules.
    Prerequisite: EGN 1100  

Healthcare Management

  • EHC 1103 Medical Ethics

    Credit Hours: 3
    Examines the moral problems that arise in the practice of medicine. Covers theories about what is good and what is right as related to bioethical and socioethical issues.
    Requirement(s): Must be enrolled in Florida Tech Online
  • EHC 3302 Healthcare Organizations

    Credit Hours: 3
    Studies the U.S. healthcare system. Includes structure, finance, governance, personnel and cultural values. Emphasizes the influences exerted by the economic, political and social forces within the larger society and the healthcare system’s response to these influences.
    Requirement(s): Must be enrolled in Florida Tech Online
  • EHC 3303 Managed Care

    Credit Hours: 3
    Analyzes the organizational structure and management of managed healthcare. Emphasizes current trends including the payment and financial aspects of America’s managed healthcare system.
    Requirement(s): Must be enrolled in Florida Tech Online
    Prerequisite: EHC 3302  
  • EHC 4402 Community Health Evaluation

    Credit Hours: 3
    Studies descriptive epidemiology and its application to the analysis of community health. Emphasizes the computation and interpretation of basic health status indicators, as well as the application of health promotion and disease prevention strategies. Also covers the U.S. public health system and practices.
    Requirement(s): Must be enrolled in Florida Tech Online
  • EHC 4410 Quality Improvement Methods in Healthcare

    Credit Hours: 3
    Studies in depth the quality improvement philosophy, methodologies, tools and issues related to healthcare. Emphasizes quality standard setting, system design, reporting mechanisms and effectiveness assessment. Closely examines the relationship between quality improvement programs, risk management and use review.
    Requirement(s): Must be enrolled in Florida Tech Online
    Prerequisite: EHC 3302  
  • EHC 4498 Health Planning and Policy Management

    Credit Hours: 3
    Integrates health services planning, organization management and evaluation as part of capstone. Studies policy formation and management.
    Requirement(s): Must be enrolled in Florida Tech Online
    Prerequisite: EHC 4402  

Human Resources Management

  • EHR 3335 Selection and Placement

    Credit Hours: 3
    Focuses on people as strategic resources whose availability and capabilities influence organizational effectiveness. Studies strategies for attracting, assessing, acquiring and withdrawing personnel. Discusses implications of planning and implementing staffing policies.
    Requirement(s): Must be enrolled in Florida Tech Online
    Prerequisite: EMG 3331  
  • EHR 3340 Training and Development

    Credit Hours: 3
    Studies the theory and technology of organizational training and development. Includes concepts and applications to training, methodology for training, evaluation, forces shaping future training development, and current practices and needs.
    Requirement(s): Must be enrolled in Florida Tech Online
    Prerequisite: EMG 3331  
  • EHR 3360 Compensation and Benefits

    Credit Hours: 3
    Examines the financial reward systems in organizations. Studies the relevant theoretical and legal perspectives. Includes job evaluation, wage surveys, incentives, pay equity, benefits and compensation strategy.
    Requirement(s): Must be enrolled in Florida Tech Online
    Prerequisite: EMG 3331  


  • ELA 2601 Law 1

    Credit Hours: 3
    Investigates the operational responsibilities of individuals in light of political, moral, social, ethical and jurisprudential considerations.
    Requirement(s): Must be enrolled in Florida Tech Online
  • ELA 2602 Law 2

    Credit Hours: 3
    Covers advanced topics in the legal aspects of the banking system. Analyzes in depth the Uniform Commercial Code, financial instruments, bankruptcy, creditor-debtor relationships and securities regulations.
    Requirement(s): Must be enrolled in Florida Tech Online
    Prerequisite: ELA 2601  
  • ELA 2603 Administrative and Personnel Law

    Credit Hours: 3
    Studies the effects of administrative and personnel law on the decision-making responsibilities of practitioners. Explores the impact on personnel policies and practices of organizations. Addresses the development, intent and implications of proactive labor legislation from the federal to the local level.
    Requirement(s): Must be enrolled in Florida Tech Online
    Prerequisite: ELA 2601  
  • ELA 3001 Legal Aspects in Healthcare Management

    Credit Hours: 3
    Covers the legal concepts that confront most healthcare professionals. Includes HIPPA, limitations, civil procedures, medical records, organizational structures (HMO, MMO, PPO and others), patients’ rights, state and federal laws, living wills and healthcare powers of attorney and professional liability insurance.
    Requirement(s): Must be enrolled in Florida Tech Online
    Prerequisite: ELA 2601  

Management-online programs only

  • EMG 3225 Finance for Managers

    Credit Hours: 3
    Introduces the principles of corporate financial management. Emphasizes the time value of money in investments of real or financial assets. Covers planning for current assets and liabilities, and long-range capital. Passing grade in EST 2703 Statistics  is recommended.
    Requirement(s): Must be enrolled in Florida Tech Online
    Recommended: Ability to use computer spreadsheets and financial business calculator
    Prerequisite: BUS 2212  or EAC 2212  
  • EMG 3301 Principles of Management

    Credit Hours: 3
    Introduces management as a discipline and process. Includes evolution and scope of management, decision-making, planning, strategy, organizing, staffing, leading, control, change, and the importance of management in the global environment and ethical considerations of management decisions.
    Minimum student level - second year
    Requirement(s): Successful completion of 30 credit hours in Florida Tech Online
    Prerequisite: COM 1102  
  • EMG 3325 Public Administration

    Credit Hours: 3
    Analyzes the nature of public administration, its structure and limitations. Includes staff organization and chain of command, unemployment policies, personnel training and management, employees, organizations and public relations.
    Requirement(s): Must be enrolled in Florida Tech Online
  • EMG 3327 Management Information Systems

    Credit Hours: 3
    Studies the important uses of information technology in organizations. Includes information requirements and flow, system design and analysis methodologies, the generation and accumulation of data for decision-making, and the implementation and control of information systems.
    Requirement(s): Must be enrolled in Florida Tech Online
    Prerequisite: EMG 3301  
  • EMG 3328 Business Ethics

    Credit Hours: 3
    Studies general moral principles and their application to ethical issues and problems pertaining to business activities, and the nature of the corporation in contemporary society.
    Minimum student level - third year
    Requirement(s): Must be enrolled in Florida Tech Online
    Prerequisite: COM 1102  
  • EMG 3331 Management of Human Resources

    Credit Hours: 3
    Covers the principles and systems related to the management and leadership of human resources. Includes legal and administrative law issues; health, safety and security; selection and placement; job analysis; training and development; compensation and benefits; and job analysis systems.
    Requirement(s): Must be enrolled in Florida Tech Online
    Prerequisite: EMG 3301  
  • EMG 3340 International Management

    Credit Hours: 3
    Covers a broad spectrum of issues critical to developing a sound base of international business skills. Includes the assessment of foreign business practices, understanding international financial and trade practices and the impact on decision-making, and strategy development and implementation.
    Requirement(s): Must be enrolled in Florida Tech Online
    Prerequisite: EMK 3601  
  • EMG 4005 Business Research Skills and Application

    Credit Hours: 3
    Introduces business research methods and techniques for composing and formatting an industry analysis. Emphasizes written communication for the business discipline and how to use library and census databases. Requires synthesis of information from multiple sources and production of senior-level business analysis. First in a two-course sequence.
    Minimum student level - fourth year
    Requirement(s): Must be enrolled in Florida Tech Online
  • EMG 4006 Business Plan Research

    Credit Hours: 3
    Focuses on applying business research methods learned in EMG 4005  to produce a new venture concept and actionable business plan as second in a two-course sequence. Emphasizes critical thinking and business analysis tools (marketing, and operational, financial, organizational and strategic analysis). Introduces business presentation techniques.
    Requirement(s): Must be enrolled in Florida Tech Online
    Prerequisite: EMG 4005  
  • EMG 4410 Continuous Quality Management

    Credit Hours: 3
    Provides a contemporary approach to organization and management philosophy, theory, concepts and applications. Focuses on improving quality, productivity and competitive position through a realistic, relevant and sweeping view of the body-of-knowledge needed by operating managers to improve systems and processes.
    Requirement(s): Must be enrolled in Florida Tech Online
    Prerequisite: EMG 3301  
  • EMG 4412 Organizational Behavior and Development

    Credit Hours: 3
    Studies human behavior in organizations. Blends newer concepts of behavior theory with classical organizational theory. Includes methods for bringing change to organizations.
    Requirement(s): Must be enrolled in Florida Tech Online
    Prerequisite: EMG 3301  or PSY 3541  


  • EMK 3320 Entrepreneurial Marketing

    Credit Hours: 3
    Examines the skills and tools needed for start-up marketing. Covers the identification of market segments, product positioning, estimating product demand, setting prices and rapid growth management.
    Requirement(s): Must be enrolled in Florida Tech Online
    Prerequisite: EMK 3601  
  • EMK 3601 Principles of Marketing

    Credit Hours: 3
    Provides the fundamental principles in the marketing of goods, services and ideas. Includes planning, pricing, promotions and distribution. Focuses on global marketing, marketing ethics and managing the marketing function.
    Minimum student level - second year
    Requirement(s): Successful completion of 30 credits hours in Florida Tech Online
    Prerequisite: COM 1102  and EEC 2303  
  • EMK 3607 Advertising Management

    Credit Hours: 3
    Studies the advertising process and the available techniques to plan, implement and monitor an advertising campaign. Focuses on the application of these techniques to a full-service advertising agency.
    Requirement(s): Must be enrolled in Florida Tech Online
    Prerequisite: EMK 3601  
  • EMK 4063 International Marketing

    Credit Hours: 3
    Examines marketing from a global perspective. Focuses on the effects of international trade and the political, legal, financial and cultural environments on marketing mix decisions. Studies the analysis and design of marketing strategies for diverse international environments.
    Requirement(s): Must be enrolled in Florida Tech Online
    Prerequisite: EMK 3601  

Engineering Management

  • ENM 0002 Final Program Examination

    Credit Hours: 0
    Requires registration in order to sit for the final program examination.
  • ENM 0003 Final Program Examination 2

    Credit Hours: 0
    Requires registration in order to sit for the final program examination.
    Prerequisite: ENM 0002   Corequisite: ENM 0002  
  • ENM 0004 Final Program Examination 3

    Credit Hours: 0
    Requires registration in order to sit for the final program examination.
    Prerequisite: ENM 0003   Corequisite: ENM 0003  
  • ENM 5100 Quality Engineering

    Credit Hours: 3
    Principles and techniques for establishing quality goals, identification of customer needs and requirements, measurement of quality objectives and product/process engineering to improve system performance.
  • ENM 5200 Project Engineering

    Credit Hours: 3
    Principles of project management to design and develop products and services within budget, on time and to specification. Includes work planning, organization design, requirements analysis, project control and PERT/CPM.
  • ENM 5201 Space Technology and Systems

    Credit Hours: 3
    Examines the concepts and technologies of modern space technology and systems that combine science and engineering. Focuses on the scientific and engineering fundamentals of launch vehicle and spacecraft systems and subsystems, and their interactions. 
  • ENM 5330 Topics in Engineering Operations and Logistics

    Credit Hours: 3
    Topics such as forecasting, plant location, facility layout, inventory systems, maintenance, process engineering, supply chains, scheduling, manufacturing and materials handling.
  • ENM 5350 Topics in Engineering Modeling and Design

    Credit Hours: 3
    Topics such as simulation, visualization, animation, graphics, CAD, deterministic and probabilistic models, and data analysis.
    Requirement(s): Instructor approval
  • ENM 5360 Topics in Product Development and Technology Strategy

    Credit Hours: 3
    Topics such as technology transfer, product strategy formulation, visioning, technology road maps and innovation.
    Requirement(s): Instructor approval
  • ENM 5420 Technology Commercialization Strategies

    Credit Hours: 3
    Systematically covers state-of-the-art technical, marketing and business aspects of technology commercialization in 18 steps through three phases and the investigation, feasibility, development, introduction, growth and maturity stages.
  • ENM 5430 Strategic Situation Analysis Using Game Theory

    Credit Hours: 3
    Presents a study of situations encountered on a regular basis by managers and engineers. Introduces and uses principles of game theory to analyze those situations in order to develop sound bases for drawing appropriate conclusions and achieving optimal results. Also provides insight into why certain situations function the way they do.
  • ENM 5495 Special Projects in Engineering Management

    Credit Hours: 3
    Special graduate projects undertaken on a cooperative basis between the student and a member of the graduate faculty. May include a literature search in a selected area or research and development in one of the engineering management specialty areas.
    Requirement(s): Instructor approval
  • ENM 5899 Final Semester Thesis

    Credit Hours: 0 - 2
    Variable registration for thesis completion after satisfaction of minimum registration requirements.
    Requirement(s): Approval by Office of Graduate Programs and accepted petition to graduate
  • ENM 5900 Engineering Management Internship

    Credit Hours: 3
    Industry-based internship experience undertaken under the supervision of a member of the graduate faculty. Provides industrial experience to students without prior experience in a practical engineering setting. Requires industrial presentations.
    Requirement(s): Instructor approval
  • ENM 5999 Thesis Research

    Credit Hours: 3 - 6
    Individual research work under the direction of a member of the graduate faculty on a selected topic.
    Requirement(s): Instructor approval

Environmental Science

  • ENS 0002 Final Program Examination

    Credit Hours: 0
    Requires registration in order to sit for the final program examination.
  • ENS 0003 Final Program Examination 2

    Credit Hours: 0
    Requires registration in order to sit for the final program examination.
    Prerequisite: ENS 0002   Corequisite: ENS 0002  
  • ENS 0004 Final Program Examination 3

    Credit Hours: 0
    Requires registration in order to sit for the final program examination.
    Prerequisite: ENS 0003   Corequisite: ENS 0003  
  • ENS 1001 The Whole Earth Course

    Credit Hours: 3
    Consists of six interrelated modules (cosmosphere, geosphere, hydrosphere, atmosphere, biosphere, anthroposphere) taught by faculty of the College of Engineering and Sciences, and College of Aeronautics. Emphasizes the interactions and interdependence of Earth systems. Includes the role of humans in global change.
  • ENS 3101 Atmospheric Environments

    Credit Hours: 3
    Origin, fate, effects and distribution of air pollutants. Covers dispersion modeling, federal and state legislation, source control and monitoring.
  • ENS 3105 Atmospheric Pollution Lab

    Credit Hours: 1
    Provides hands-on familiarity with air sampling devices and analytical methods of analysis. Involves both the acquisition and the analysis of atmospheric samples.
    Corequisite: CHM 1101  and ENS 3101  and PHY 1001  
  • ENS 3911 Environmental Field Projects Proposal

    Credit Hours: 1
    Preparation for the summer research program, Environmental Field Projects. Students are guided through the process of selecting, designing and proposing research projects to be carried out during the summer.
  • ENS 4001 The Earth System: Science, Engineering, Management and Education

    Credit Hours: 3
    Includes a series of seminar-style presentations by faculty, invited lecturers and students. Covers holistically understanding Earth as a system and the complexities of interactions between the near-Earth space environment, the solid Earth, the fluid Earth and the living Earth including humankind.
  • ENS 4004 Aquatic Environmental Toxicology

    Credit Hours: 3
    The concepts of toxicology, classifications, kinetics of biological effects and environmental sampling and testing. Includes the effect of environmental agents on aquatic systems and the fate of chemicals in the environment.
    Minimum student level - senior
    Prerequisite: BIO 1020  and CHM 1102  
  • ENS 4009 Environmental Satellite Systems and Data

    Credit Hours: 3
    Introduces environmental satellite systems, resulting data and image processing techniques. Includes discussions on the use of geographic information systems and use of satellite, aircraft and remote-sensing platforms. Uses computers and imagery for applications to environmental issues and problems.
  • ENS 4010 Geographic Information Systems

    Credit Hours: 3
    Concepts and applications of geographic information systems (GIS). Presents case studies from environmental and geoscience applications.
  • ENS 4300 Renewable Energy and the Environment

    Credit Hours: 3
    Understanding human energy needs; alternative generating systems; renewable sources including biomass, hydro, ocean current, solar and wind; socioeconomic implications of sustainable energy.
    Prerequisite: PHY 2002  
  • ENS 4600 Radiation and Environmental Protection

    Credit Hours: 3
    Covers the sources and mechanisms that create environmental radiation hazards and methods for detection and measurement of radiation and a study of the biological effects of radiation. Develops methods of protection and decontamination.
    Minimum student level - senior
  • ENS 4700 Environmental Hydrology

    Credit Hours: 3
    Covers descriptive and quantitative aspects of surface and groundwater hydrology, emphasizing both data interpretation and measurement methodology. Stresses subject areas of particular importance to environmental scientists and meteorologists.
  • ENS 4701 Environmental Regulation and Impact Assessment

    Credit Hours: 3
    Analyzes environmental legislation and the impacts and implications of these regulations on society. Emphasizes environmental impact analysis and environmental impact statement preparation methods.
    Minimum student level - senior
  • ENS 4702 Lake and Reservoir Restoration and Management

    Credit Hours: 3
    Reviews limnology, and lake and reservoir data collection techniques. Covers chemical, physical and biological processes influencing nutrient enrichment and other water body problems. Evaluates lake management and restoration methods. Uses case studies of successful lake restorations. Requires presenting written report on chosen restoration method.
    Requirement(s): Instructor approval
    Prerequisite: CHM 1102  
  • ENS 4800 Limnology

    Credit Hours: 3
    Chemical, physical and biological dynamics of inland waters.
    Prerequisite: BIO 1020  and CHM 1102  
  • ENS 4901 Special Topics in Environmental Science

    Credit Hours: 1
    Special course topics not covered in the regular curriculum, offered on occasion to specific student groups.
    Requirement(s): Instructor approval
    May be repeated for a maximum of three credits
  • ENS 4903 Special Topics in Environmental Science

    Credit Hours: 3
    Special course topics not covered in the regular curriculum, offered on occasion to specific student groups.
    Requirement(s): Instructor approval
    May be repeated for a maximum of nine credits
  • ENS 4911 Environmental Field Projects 1

    Credit Hours: 1
    These summer research investigations focus on environmental problems of local, regional and global dimensions. A major focus has been on the Indian River Lagoon system. Students often work in teams configured to accomplish the specific objectives.
    Minimum student level - senior
    May be repeated for a maximum of four credits
  • ENS 4912 Environmental Field Projects 2

    Credit Hours: 2
    These summer research investigations focus on environmental problems of local, regional and global dimensions. A major focus has been on the Indian River Lagoon system. Students often work in teams configured to accomplish the specific objectives.
    Minimum student level - senior
    Prerequisite: ENS 4911  
    May be repeated for a maximum of four credits
  • ENS 5000 Environmental Science Seminar

    Credit Hours: 0
    Reports and discussions of current research and environmental events by graduate students, faculty and visiting scientists. Required attendance for all graduate students.
  • ENS 5001 Global Environmental Problems and Solutions

    Credit Hours: 3
    Analyzes global environmental problems including human population growth, climate change, ozone depletion, deforestation and desertification. Students research specific problems and develop potential solutions.
    Requirement(s): Instructor approval
  • ENS 5004 Aquatic Environmental Toxicology

    Credit Hours: 3
    The concepts of toxicology, classifications, kinetics of biological effects, and environmental sampling and testing. Includes the effect of environmental agents on aquatic systems and the fate of chemicals in the environment.
    Majors in College of Engineering and Sciences
  • ENS 5006 Mathematical Models of Environmental Systems

    Credit Hours: 3
    Introduces the application of systems, science and computers to environmental problems. Analyzes models of water pollution and water resources, air pollution control and world food, energy and natural resource use.
    Requirement(s): Instructor approval
  • ENS 5009 Internship

    Credit Hours: 0 - 3
    Application of environmental resources management principles in off-campus activities designed to give actual experience with planning agencies, regulatory agencies and other related activities. The internship is designed to meet the background, training and career needs of the individual student.
    Requirement(s): Department head approval
  • ENS 5010 Environmental Optics and Remote Sensing

    Credit Hours: 3
    Describes methods for collecting and analyzing field and laboratory optical data related to water and plant canopies in detail. The methods covered via lectures and assignments are related to their use in remote sensing of the environment.
    Requirement(s): Instructor approval
  • ENS 5101 Introduction to Air Pollution

    Credit Hours: 3
    Origin, fate, effects and distribution of air pollutants. Includes dispersion modeling, legislation, source control and monitoring.
  • ENS 5300 Principles of Renewable Energy

    Credit Hours: 3
    Overviews energy generating systems; renewable energy sources including wind, solar, tidal, biomass, hydro and ocean currents. Emphasizes sustainable energy and its environmental, social and economic effects.
  • ENS 5600 Radiation and Environmental Protection

    Credit Hours: 3
    Covers the sources and mechanisms that create environmental radiation hazards and methods for detection and measurement of radiation and a study of the biological effects of radiation. Develops methods of protection and decontamination.
  • ENS 5610 Principles of Environmental Security

    Credit Hours: 3
    Scientific foundations of environmental hazards, factors leading to environmental instability, ecosystem resilience and sustainability, techniques to monitor the response of the Earth system, information synthesis, disaster preparedness and emergency response procedures, technical and political aspects of treaty monitoring, case studies.
  • ENS 5700 Introduction to Water Resources

    Credit Hours: 3
    Stresses both descriptive and quantitative surface water and groundwater hydrology, particularly subjects of importance to environmental scientists such as hydrologic budgets, storm water management and groundwater quantity and quality.
  • ENS 5701 Environmental Regulation and Impact Assessment

    Credit Hours: 3
    Analyzes environmental legislation and the impacts and implications of these regulations on society. Emphasizes environmental impact analysis and environmental impact statement preparation methods.
    Majors in College of Engineering and Sciences
  • ENS 5702 Lake and Reservoir Restoration and Management

    Credit Hours: 3
    Reviews limnology, and lake and reservoir data collection techniques. Covers the chemical, physical and biological processes influencing nutrient enrichment and water body problems. Evaluates lake management and restoration methods. Uses case studies. Requires presenting 15-page written in-depth report (five references) on chosen restoration method.
    Requirement(s): Instructor approval
  • ENS 5800 Limnology

    Credit Hours: 3
    Chemical, physical and biological dynamics of inland waters.
    Majors in College of Engineering and Sciences
  • ENS 5899 Final Semester Thesis

    Credit Hours: 0 - 2
    Variable registration for thesis completion after satisfaction of minimum registration requirements.
    Requirement(s): Approval by Office of Graduate Programs and accepted petition to graduate
  • ENS 5901 Special Topics in Environmental Science

    Credit Hours: 1
    Special course topics not covered in the regular curriculum. Offered on occasion to specific student groups.
    Requirement(s): Instructor approval
  • ENS 5902 Special Topics in Environmental Science

    Credit Hours: 2
    Special course topics not covered in the regular curriculum. Offered on occasion to specific student groups.
    Requirement(s): Instructor approval
  • ENS 5903 Special Topics in Environmental Science

    Credit Hours: 3
    Special course topics not covered in the regular curriculum. Offered on occasion to specific student groups.
    Requirement(s): Instructor approval
  • ENS 5999 Thesis Research

    Credit Hours: 3 - 6
    Individual research under the direction of a member of the graduate faculty in a selected environmental topic.
    Requirement(s): Thesis advisor approval
    May be repeated for a maximum of six credits
  • ENS 6899 Final Semester Dissertation

    Credit Hours: 0 - 2
    Variable registration for dissertation completion after satisfaction of minimum registration requirements.
    Requirement(s): Approval by Office of Graduate Programs and accepted candidacy
  • ENS 6993 Research in Environmental Science

    Credit Hours: 1 - 3
    Research under the guidance of a member of the graduate faculty.
    Repeatable as required
  • ENS 6999 Dissertation in Environmental Science

    Credit Hours: 3 - 12
    Research and preparation of the doctoral dissertation.
    Requirement(s): Admission to candidacy for doctoral degree

Engineering Cooperative Education

  • EPE 1000 Protrack Cooperative Education Preparation

    Credit Hours: 0
    Prepares Protrack students for cooperative education experiences and develops career planning and job search skills and techniques. Teaches the fundamentals of career exploration, resume development, interviewing skills and special job search techniques. Also covers workplace etiquette and ethics to help make a smooth transition to the workplace.
    Requirement(s): Enrollment in Protrack program and 3.0 cumulative GPA
  • EPE 1100 Protrack Cooperative Education

    Credit Hours: 3
    Prepares students for professional careers by integrating alternate periods of academic study and career-related work experience. Includes work in private industry, business and public agencies.
    Requirement(s): Approval of co-op coordinator, enrollment in Protrack program, 3.0 cumulative GPA and classifies student as full-time when registered for three credits.
    Prerequisite: EPE 1000  
  • EPE 2100 Protrack Cooperative Education

    Credit Hours: 3
    Prepares students for professional careers by integrating alternate periods of academic study and career-related work experience. Includes work in private industry, business and public agencies.
    Requirement(s): Approval of co-op coordinator, enrollment in Protrack program, 3.0 cumulative GPA and classifies student as full-time when registered for three credits. Can be applied as free elective credit.
    Prerequisite: EPE 1100  
  • EPE 3100 Engineering Protrack Cooperative Education

    Credit Hours: 3
    Prepares students for professional careers. Students work on engineering projects including one or more of the following realistic constraints: economic, environmental, social, political, ethical, health, safety, security and manufacturing.
    Requirement(s): Approval of co-op coordinator, enrollment in Protrack program, 3.0 cumulative GPA and classifies student as full-time when registered for three credits. Can be used for a maximum of three credits of technical elective.
    Prerequisite: EPE 2100  

English as a Second Language

  • ESL 0341 Intensive Grammar

    Credit Hours: 3
    Enables students to communicate in oral and written forms of English, using complex sentences. Focuses on formal academic structure, which is required for technical reading and writing.
    Requirement(s): Credit cannot be applied toward any Florida Tech degree
  • ESL 0342 Intensive Oral Communication

    Credit Hours: 3
    Gives the more advanced student of English practice in oral communication within an academic setting. Also offers the student controlled practice with vowels, consonants, word stress and intonation patterns.
    Requirement(s): Credit cannot be applied toward any Florida Tech degree
  • ESL 0343 Intensive Listening Comprehension

    Credit Hours: 3
    Provides students the opportunity to hear authentic English spoken with different speech patterns in a variety of academic lectures, to develop note-taking skills and to synthesize the facts contained in the listening selections.
    Requirement(s): Credit cannot be applied toward any Florida Tech degree
  • ESL 0344 Intensive Reading

    Credit Hours: 3
    Offers guided practice in reading scientifically and academically oriented materials in English, emphasizing strategies necessary to improve reading speed and quality of comprehension. Provides an opportunity for students to acquire vocabulary and a grasp of basic scientific concepts.
    Requirement(s): Credit cannot be applied toward any Florida Tech degree
  • ESL 0345 Intensive Writing

    Credit Hours: 3
    Enables the student of English to apply techniques needed in planning, organizing and developing a good paragraph. Emphasizes extended in-class written work, with individualized corrections and rewriting.
    Requirement(s): Credit cannot be applied toward any Florida Tech degree
  • ESL 0401 Advanced Grammar

    Credit Hours: 3
    Includes a brief review of basic English structure and sentence patterns, followed by extensive practice on the features of more advanced English structure. Focuses on the elimination of habitual errors and on the acquisition of the quality and quantity of language necessary for academic success.
    Requirement(s): Credit cannot be applied toward any Florida Tech degree

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