Sep 24, 2024  
2021-2022 Florida Tech Catalog 
2021-2022 Florida Tech Catalog [ARCHIVED CATALOG]

Course Descriptions

Courses are listed alpha-numerically. The 1000, 2000, 3000 and 4000 series are undergraduate courses. The 5000 series are graduate courses that can also be taken by undergraduates with cumulative grade point averages of 2.75 or higher, who have satisfied all listed prerequisites and whose registration is approved by the department head or program chair responsible for the course. The 6000 series courses are restricted to graduate students only. Courses below 1000 are developmental in nature, are not counted in GPA calculations and do not count toward any Florida Tech degree.

Courses that may be taken in fulfillment of Undergraduate Core Requirements are designated as follows: CL: computer literacy requirement, COM: communication elective, HU: humanities elective, LA: liberal arts elective, Q: scholarly inquiry requirement, SS: social science elective, CC: cross-cultural, Hon: course may include honors sections during some semesters. These designations follow the course descriptions. Other courses that satisfy Undergraduate Core Requirements are identified by the course prefix: any MTH course can be used toward meeting the mathematics requirement; and any AVS, BIO, CHM or PHY course, or EDS 1031  or EDS 1032 , toward meeting the physical/life sciences requirement.


Aviation Flight

  • AVF 5301 Airplane Performance Flight Test Evaluation

    Credit Hours: 3
    Consists of lectures and flight laboratories involving airplane performance flight test evaluation theory and practice. Includes flight test profile planning, data collection in an instrumented airplane, and data reduction for analysis publication.
    Requirement(s): Prior completion of foundation requirements
  • AVF 5302 Airplane Stability and Control Flight Test Evaluation

    Credit Hours: 3
    Consists of lectures and flight laboratories involving airplane stability and control flight test evaluation theory and practice. Includes flight test profile planning, data collection in an instrumented airplane, and data reduction for analysis and publication.
    Requirement(s): Prior completion of foundation requirements
  • AVF 5303 Airplane Avionics Flight Test Evaluation

    Credit Hours: 3
    Consists of lectures and flight laboratories involving airplane avionics flight test evaluation theory and practice. Includes flight test profile planning, data collection in an instrumented airplane, and data reduction for analysis and publication.
    Requirement(s): Prior completion of foundation requirements

Aviation Human Factors

  • AHF 0002 Final Program Examination

    Credit Hours: 0
    Requires registration in order to sit for the final program examination.
  • AHF 0003 Final Program Examination 2

    Credit Hours: 0
    Requires registration in order to sit for the final program examination.
    Prerequisite: AHF 0002   Corequisite: AHF 0002  
  • AHF 0004 Final Program Examination 3

    Credit Hours: 0
    Requires registration in order to sit for the final program examination.
    Prerequisite: AHF 0003   Corequisite: AHF 0003  
  • AHF 1101 Introduction to Aviation Psychology

    Credit Hours: 3
    Introduces the field of aviation psychology. Presents and analyzes aviation psychology issues in general applications. Emphasizes the aviation industry and aircraft systems. Includes personnel selection, training, stress, performance, culture and leadership, among other topics.
  • AHF 3101 Introduction to Human Factors

    Credit Hours: 3
    Introduces the field of engineering psychology (ergonomics) that examines the interaction of humans and machines. Analyzes aircraft accidents and industrial safety concepts, and the design of aircraft, computers and other products.
  • AHF 3102 Advanced Human Factors

    Credit Hours: 3
    Introduces advanced human factors and human performance. Presents and analyzes human factors and human performance issues in general applications. Emphasizes the aviation industry and aircraft systems.
    Prerequisite: AHF 3101  
  • AHF 3103 Sensation and Perception

    Credit Hours: 3
    Serves as an advanced introduction to the field of sensation and perception in aviation. Discusses the theories and principles to explain what we sense and perceive in the real world, with particular focus on aviation.
    Prerequisite: AHF 1101  or PSY 1411  
  • AHF 3104 Human-Machine Systems

    Credit Hours: 3
    Examines the human-machine interface from a systems perpective. Leverages human factor theories and principles. Focuses on how to employ these principles through applied techniques.
    Prerequisite: (AHF 1101  or PSY 1411 ) and  AHF 3101    
  • AHF 4001 Research Methods in Human Factors

    Credit Hours: 3
    Introduces research methods in human factors. Covers topics such as the scientific method, philosophy of science, ethical guidelines in research, theories, hypotheses, and quantitative and qualitative research. Focuses on methods commonly used in human factors.
    Prerequisite: AHF 3101  
  • AHF 4301 Human Performance 1

    Credit Hours: 3
    Serves as an advanced introduction to the field of human performance. Presents the scientific study of the interaction between humans and machines. Discusses human–machine interaction and how it affects daily life.
    Minimum student level - junior
    Prerequisite: (AHF 1101  or PSY 1411 ), and AHF 3101  
  • AHF 4302 Interaction Design and Usability

    Credit Hours: 3
    Introduces theories and research principles developed from the study of interaction design and usability. Includes human-computer interaction, usability, interface design and evaluation methods.
    Minimum student level - junior
    Prerequisite: AHF 3101  
  • AHF 4303 Aviation Usability and Design

    Credit Hours: 3
    Introduces the field of aviation usability and design. Presents and analyzes usability and design issues in general applications. Emphasizes the aviation industry and aircraft systems. Includes such topics as usability testing, heuristics and assessment methods.
    Minimum student level - junior
    Prerequisite: AHF 1101  and AHF 3101  
  • AHF 4304 Applied Ergonomics

    Credit Hours: 3
    Introduces the field of applied ergonomics. Presents and analyzes ergonomics issues in general applications. Emphasizes the aviation industry and aircraft systems. Includes such topics as human-centered design, senses and systems of the human body and anthropometry.
    Minimum student level - junior
    Prerequisite: AHF 1101  and AHF 3101  
  • AHF 5101 Human Factors in Man-Machine Systems

    Credit Hours: 3
    Introduces a range of human factors topics, principles and methods that underpin and allow the study of the interaction between humans and complex systems. Includes topics such as human systems integration, human cognition and human error, focusing on aviation and beyond.
  • AHF 5201 Human Performance 1

    Credit Hours: 3
    Covers classical and naturalistic decision-making. Studies human performance in complex systems, and examines stress, anxiety, fatigue and organizational stress and error. Explores automation and human performance in aviation.
  • AHF 5202 Human Performance 2

    Credit Hours: 3
    Examines information processing models; learning and memory; mental models and schema theory; signal-detection theory; human error; language and warnings; and knowledge elicitation for expert system development. Represents the capstone course for the program.
    Must be taken in the final semester of the program
    Requirement(s): Program chair approval
    Prerequisite: AHF 5201  
  • AHF 5302 Human-Computer Interaction

    Credit Hours: 3
    Introduces the process of interaction design from user needs-analysis through prototyping and product evaluations. Develops the knowledge and skills necessary to conduct effective interface design and evaluation across aviation and other industries. Aims to ensure interfaces are usable and effective.
  • AHF 5402 Situational Awareness and Decision-Making

    Credit Hours: 3
    Studies the theory of situational awareness and advanced decision-making and applies them to the complex flight environment. Addresses individual, collaborative and distributed awareness, and decision-making and available flight deck information.
    Requirement(s): Graduate program chair approval
  • AHF 5403 Cognitive Engineering and Human-Centered Design of Life-Critical Systems

    Credit Hours: 3
    Explores major cognitive engineering and human-centered design principles applicable to life-critical systems. Addresses human-centered automation, human workload, cognitive modeling, situational awareness, risk taking and flight management system design and evaluation.
  • AHF 5899 Final Semester Thesis

    Credit Hours: 0-2
    Variable registration for thesis completion after satisfaction of minimum registration requirements.
    Requirement(s): Approval by Office of Graduate Programs and accepted petition to graduate
  • AHF 5990 Directed Research

    Credit Hours: 3
    Students conduct independent research or participate in ongoing research or other projects under faculty supervision. Requires submission and approval by the division director of a written proposal containing performance expectations and evaluation criteria.
    Requirement(s): Instructor approval
  • AHF 5991 Sensation and Perception

    Credit Hours: 3
    The philosophical underpinnings of scientific views of sensation and perception. Hypothesized psycho-physiological mechanisms of sensation. Covers the nature of human perceptual processes, distortion and illusion with respect to real-world aviation human factors considerations.
  • AHF 5999 Thesis Research

    Credit Hours: 3-6
    Preparation and submission of a research thesis on a selected topic in aviation human factors under the direction of the graduate faculty.
    Requirement(s): Instructor approval

Aviation Management

  • AVM 0002 Final Program Examination

    Credit Hours: 0
    Requires registration in order to sit for the final program examination.
  • AVM 0003 Final Program Examination 2

    Credit Hours: 0
    Requires registration in order to sit for the final program examination.
    Prerequisite: AVM 0002   Corequisite: AVM 0002  
  • AVM 0004 Final Program Examination 3

    Credit Hours: 0
    Requires registration in order to sit for the final program examination.
    Prerequisite: AVM 0003   Corequisite: AVM 0003  
  • AVM 1000 Introduction to Aviation

    Credit Hours: 3
    Provides students with foundational knowledge of aviation. Includes aircraft components, basic aerodynamics, airports, air traffic control, airspace, regulations, performance, weight and balance, aeronautical factors, aviation weather and air navigation.
  • AVM 2401 Aviation Fiscal Management

    Credit Hours: 3
    Introduces basic financial management principles in an aviation industry context. Topics include financial document analysis, forecasting, financing, asset management and mergers. Uses spreadsheet, presentation, word processing and Internet search software tools to prepare and analyze financial reports and solve financial problems.
  • AVM 3201 Aviation Planning

    Credit Hours: 3
    Introduces the student to the requirements, issues and processes involved in aviation planning. Includes in-depth study of the sources of aviation data, forecasting methods, the airport master planning process and environmental issues and requirements.
    Minimum student level - third year or junior
  • AVM 3202 Airport Design

    Credit Hours: 3
    Includes analysis and application of FAA and ICAO standards for airport design. Emphasizes the airside components. Includes runways; protection areas, zones and surfaces; taxiways; terminals; aprons; pavements; and on-airport facilities.
    Minimum student level - third year or junior
    Prerequisite: AVM 3201  
  • AVM 3302 Multimodal Transportation

    Credit Hours: 3
    Surveys the development and operation of land, water and air transportation systems. Discusses principles of logistics, transportation economics and intermodal traffic management, emphasizing air traffic. Includes transportation management in both the private and public sectors.
  • AVM 3303 Transportation Logistics

    Credit Hours: 3
    Studies transportation and logistics management as a discipline concerned with efficient materials flow through the global industrial and economic system. Emphasizes managerial aspects of air transportation and logistics systems and serves as specialized education for those who plan careers in transportation or logistics.
    Minimum student level - sophomore
  • AVM 3501 Special Topics in Aviation Management

    Credit Hours: 3
    Topics of special interest offered when student interest and staffing permit. Topics announced before registration.
    Requirement(s): Division director approval
    May be repeated for a maximum of six credits.
  • AVM 4201 Aviation Advanced Computer Applications

    Credit Hours: 3
    Teaches the application of specialized software packages used in the aviation industry. Includes land-use management, airport and airway simulations and geographical information systems.
    Prerequisite: AVM 3202  
  • AVM 4202 Airport Terminal Development

    Credit Hours: 3
    Introduces the student to the process of airport terminal development. Emphasizes the terminal building and landside components. Includes methodologies and tools for the application of FAA standards. Addresses functional relationships, concepts, space programming, apron areas, ground access and circulation, sustainability and business planning.
    Prerequisite: AVM 3202  
  • AVM 4204 CAD for Airport Environments

    Credit Hours: 3
    Teaches AutoCAD® applications, its interfaces, concepts, terminology and specialized conflict analysis and airfield planning simulation software packages used in the aviation industry. Includes the three-dimensional airspace analysis and Simtra Pathplanner software programs.
    Prerequisite: AVM 3202  
  • AVM 4301 Aviation Labor Law and Employment Standards

    Credit Hours: 3
    Studies government regulation of aviation employment standards and labor-management practices in negotiating and administering collective bargaining agreements. Examines private and public sector labor relations with specific application of labor law to the varied aspects of the aviation industry.
  • AVM 4302 Aviation Law

    Credit Hours: 3
    Overviews the fundamentals of aviation law. Emphasizes factors guiding operational decision making by aviation managers and professional pilots to minimize exposure to legal liability.
    Requirement(s): Junior or third year standing
  • AVM 4303 General Aviation Operations and Management

    Credit Hours: 3
    Presents operational and managerial aspects of general aviation. Emphasizes corporate aviation. Includes fixed base operations (FBO), flight training, corporate aviation, general aviation aircraft, business aircraft ownership and management methods, and regulations associated with general aviation operations such as 14 CFR Parts 91 and 135.
    Minimum student level - third year or junior
  • AVM 4501 Air Transportation Management

    Credit Hours: 3
    Surveys the development of the air transportation system leading to the modern organization and functions of airlines and general aviation business. Studies the route structure, scheduling, pricing and fleet selection strategies in the solution of typical operational problems.
    Minimum student level - fourth year or senior
  • AVM 4502 Aviation Business Simulation

    Credit Hours: 3
    Applies business management concepts and techniques to the decision-making and problem-solving processes and situations in an aviation business. Uses operations research techniques, process analysis, forecasting, and computer and mathematical modeling as tools.
    Prerequisite: AVM 4501  
  • AVM 4600 Aviation Management Internship

    Credit Hours: 5
    Covers management training within the aviation industry. Requires a minimum of a full academic term during the senior year. For credit, this internship must be followed by AVM 4603 .
    Requirement(s): Faculty committee approval and completion of junior year major requirements, cumulative GPA of 2.8 or higher
    May be repeated for a maximum of 10 credits.
  • AVM 4602 Independent Study in Aviation Management

    Credit Hours: 3
    Provides outstanding students an opportunity to pursue independent study on selected subjects to a depth not otherwise available in the curriculum. Requires preparation of a formal written paper and an oral examination.
    Minimum student level - senior
    Requirement(s): Division director approval and a 2.8 cumulative GPA
    May be repeated for a maximum of six credits.
  • AVM 4603 Aviation Management Seminar

    Credit Hours: 1
    Students present formal oral and written reports on their management internship to students and faculty for comment and critique. Mandatory in the first semester after completion of AVM 4600 .
    May be repeated for a maximum of two credits.
  • AVM 4701 Airport Management

    Credit Hours: 3
    Studies modern airports, including their roles, functions and status in the national air transportation system; sponsorship and management alternatives; management of airport development, operations and business matters; and discussion of current and emerging public airport issues.
    Minimum student level - fourth year or senior
    Prerequisite: AVM 3202  
  • AVM 5000 Fundamentals of Aviation Planning and Design

    Credit Hours: 3
    Introduces issues, requirements and processes involved in aviation planning, design and software applications. Studies the sources of aviation data, forecasting methods, the airport master planning process and environmental issues and requirements.
    Requirement(s): Division director approval. Does not meet graduate degree requirements
  • AVM 5101 Legal and Ethical Issues in Aviation

    Credit Hours: 3
    Uses current issues as vehicles for study of the legal and moral concepts that influence developments in both national and international air law. Addresses legal and ethical considerations directly confronting the aviation professional through case studies.
    Recommended: Background knowledge equivalent to AVM 4302 Aviation Law .
  • AVM 5102 Airport Development

    Credit Hours: 3
    Addresses capital project development issues at airports, emphasizing project definition, funding, project administration and coordination, marketing and property management of airside and landside facilities.
    Recommended: Background knowledge equivalent to AVM 4701 Airport Management 
  • AVM 5103 Airport Operations

    Credit Hours: 3
    Addresses requirements, responsibilities and methods of major U.S. and international airports. Studies both FAA and ICAO standards regarding air- and land-side operations, operational safety, maintenance and construction, security and emergency preparedness. Requires a case study or research paper.
    Recommended: Background knowledge equivalent to AVM 4701 Airport Management 
  • AVM 5104 Aviation Economics and Fiscal Management

    Credit Hours: 3
    Focuses on the fiscal management of airports (financial management, operating and capital budgeting, business relationships, capital funding sources and mechanisms) and selected financial issues of airlines and others in the aviation industry.
    Requirement(s): Instructor approval
  • AVM 5105 Aviation Planning and Analysis Techniques

    Credit Hours: 3
    Teaches use of special software to evaluate compliance of airports with FAA safety, efficiency and land-use compatibility guidelines. Includes noise compatibility, imaginary surface design, airport and airway simulations and geographical information systems.
    Recommended: Background knowledge equivalent to AVM 5000 Fundamentals of Aviation Planning and Design 
  • AVM 5106 Corporate Aviation Operations and Management

    Credit Hours: 3
    Presents managerial, operational, maintenance and safety aspects of corporate air transportation systems. Includes management structures, ownership options, aircraft selection criteria, financing and pricing models, operations management, maintenance management, and associated regulations such as 14 CFR Parts 91, 119 and 135.
  • AVM 5107 Airline Management

    Credit Hours: 3
    Studies historical and modern passenger and cargo airline management structures. Analyzes organizational and route structures, scheduling, pricing, financing, fleet selection, and labor relations strategies used to solve typical operational and strategic management problems.
  • AVM 5199 Advanced Aviation Management Internship

    Credit Hours: 3
    Provides advanced management of, or research in, aviation-related operations or enterprises with approved industrial or governmental organizations. Requires a detailed written professional analysis of the experience.
    Requirement(s): Program chair approval
  • AVM 5501 Case Studies and Special Topics in Aviation Management

    Credit Hours: 1-3
    Studies in depth a specific case or topic in aviation management.
    Requirement(s): Program chair approval
  • AVM 5899 Final Semester Thesis

    Credit Hours: 0-2
    Variable registration for thesis completion after satisfaction of minimum registration requirements.
    Requirement(s): Approval by Office of Graduate Programs and accepted petition to graduate
  • AVM 5998 Advanced Aviation Research Project

    Credit Hours: 3
    Acts as the capstone course for the program. Requires individual research into an aviation-related topic, issue or problem appropriate to the student’s area of concentration. Conducted under the supervision of a graduate faculty member and culminates in a formal written and oral report.
    Must be taken in the final semester of the program
    Requirement(s): Program chair approval
  • AVM 5999 Thesis

    Credit Hours: 3-6
    Studies in depth a specific aviation issue. Requires an oral presentation to faculty before formal defense of thesis.
    Requirement(s): Program chair approval

Aviation Science

  • AVS 0002 Final Program Examination

    Credit Hours: 0
    Requires registration in order to sit for the final program examination.
  • AVS 0003 Final Program Examination 2

    Credit Hours: 0
    Requires registration in order to sit for the final program examination.
    Prerequisite: AVS 0002   Corequisite: AVS 0002  
  • AVS 0004 Final Program Examination 3

    Credit Hours: 0
    Requires registration in order to sit for the final program examination.
    Prerequisite: AVS 0003   Corequisite: AVS 0003  
  • AVS 1101 Aviation Chemical Science

    Credit Hours: 3
    Introduces the basic principles of general chemistry to include elements, compounds, states of matter, chemical bonds, the periodic table and applications to aviation.
  • AVS 1102 Introduction to Aviation Chemical Science

    Credit Hours: 1
    Introduces chemistry fundamentals as applied to aviation activities and aeronautical studies. Includes discussion of corrosion, batteries, fuels, lubricants, deicing chemicals, oxygen generation, aircraft coatings and the environmental footprint of aviation activities.
  • AVS 1201 Aviation Meteorology

    Credit Hours: 3
    Initial course in meteorology for flight students and aviation professionals. Includes meteorological codes, charts and aviation bulletins, and identification of potentially hazardous in-flight weather conditions. Also addresses atmospheric circulation, stability, convection, moisture, air masses and fronts.
  • AVS 1202 Introduction to Aviation Physiology

    Credit Hours: 1
    Introduces the effects of flight on human functional capability. Explores hypoxia, hyperventilation, self-imposed stress, disorientation and other physical consequences of flight.
  • AVS 2101 Aviation Physical Science

    Credit Hours: 3
    Introduces the basic principles of physics directly applicable to aviation including properties of matter, mechanics, vibration, wave motion, heat, sound, electricity, magnetism and optics.
    Prerequisite: MTH 1000  or MTH 1001  or MTH 1010 , or (MTH 1011  and MTH 1012 )
  • AVS 2102 Aerodynamics

    Credit Hours: 3
    Presents basic aeronautical factors affecting aircraft design and performance. Major topics include atmospheric properties, lift, drag, thrust, aircraft performance, stability and control, high-speed aerodynamics, operating strength limitations, and aerodynamics of specific flying problems.
    Prerequisite: AVS 2101  or EDS 1021  or PHY 1001  
  • AVS 2222 Aviation Physiology

    Credit Hours: 3
    Introduces the effects of flight on human functional capability. Explores hypoxia, hyperventilation, self-imposed stress, disorientation and other physical consequences of flight.
  • AVS 2402 Introduction to Aviation Environmental Science

    Credit Hours: 3
    Introduces basic principles of environmental science directly applicable to the aviation industry. Includes air and water quality, contaminants of concern, properties of contaminants and air quality measurements at airports.
    Minimum student level - sophomore
  • AVS 3201 Aviation Meteorology 2

    Credit Hours: 3
    Advanced course in meteorology for flight students and aviation professionals. Addresses hazardous weather conditions associated with synoptic weather systems and basic prediction techniques for flight planning. Also addresses seasonal weather patterns and associated hazardous flying conditions.
    Prerequisite: AVS 1201  or OCN 2407  
  • AVS 4000 Aviation Physiology Laboratory

    Credit Hours: 1
    Allows the student to experience the biophysical and biochemical reactions of the body to loss of pressurization in flight. Students experience the personal effects of hypoxic hypoxia and trapped gas expansions in a certified hypobaric chamber following FAA approved flight profiles.
    Requires sophomore standing
    Requirement(s): Current FAA Airman Medical Certificate
  • AVS 4201 Flight Observation Laboratory

    Credit Hours: 1
    Provides nonflight students experience in the flight operations environment. Includes observation of pre- and postflight briefings, participation as an observer on training flights and related activities, emphasizing human factors and safety.
    Requirement(s): Program chair approval
  • AVS 4202 Unmanned Aerial Systems

    Credit Hours: 3
    Introduces the applications and technologies of unmanned aerial systems (UAS). Includes the challenges of UAS integration into controlled airspace, crew qualifications and training, and safety.
    Prerequisite: AVT 2001  or AVT 2201  
  • AVS 4203 Unmanned Aerial Systems 2

    Credit Hours: 3
    Provides a study of major subsystems common to most unmanned aerial systems. Includes introductory UAS flight training using commercially available quad-copters and payload-capable hexa-copters. Covers major subsystems common to most UAS, and concludes with a student-planned, -executed and -analyzed UAS mission.
    Prerequisite: AVS 4202  
  • AVS 4302 Fundamentals of Aviation Safety Management Systems

    Credit Hours: 3
    Provides instruction on safety management systems (SMS). Presents topics on safety reporting systems, quality management principles and safety culture.
    Prerequisite: AVT 4301  
  • AVS 4304 Aviation Security

    Credit Hours: 3
    Presents civil aviation security measures required of all airports and airlines engaged in international civil aviation operations. Includes international and U.S. regulatory requirements, current security issues, threat analysis and technological developments. Introduces maritime, trucking, rail and mass transit security.
    Minimum student level - junior
    Requirement(s): Good standing in College of Aeronautics major
  • AVS 4402 Aviation Sustainability

    Credit Hours: 3
    Focuses on developing a sustainable aviation infrastructure. Discusses the principles of sustainability in aviation, monitoring and analyzing the airfield transport system, alternative fuels and biotechnology in aviation.
    Minimum student level - senior
    Prerequisite: AVM 1000  or AVT 1001  
  • AVS 4999 Aviation Systems Safety

    Credit Hours: 4
    Provides instruction for a multidisciplinary approach to safety in all aviation systems. Includes flight, airports, weather, human factors, and the aviation sciences infrastructure. Requires the student to apply new and prior knowledge to solve problems directly related to their aviation major.
    Requirement(s): Must be taken in the final semester before graduation. Not offered during the summer
  • AVS 5000 Quantitative Reasoning and Modeling

    Credit Hours: 3
    Introduces reasoning and critical thinking concepts that promote sound judgments and decisions grounded in data. Includes inductive/deductive reasoning; formal symbolic logic; problem-solving strategies; probability, odds and risk assessment; and developing and interpreting mathematical models derived from quantitative data.
  • AVS 5201 Aviation Meteorology Theory and Practice

    Credit Hours: 3
    Covers selected aviation meteorology topics in depth including stability, causes and manifestations of turbulence and mesoscale convective complexes. Also covers wind shear and microbursts, and their impact on aviation.
    Recommended: Background knowledge equivalent to AVS 1201 Aviation Meteorology 
  • AVS 5203 Impact of Aviation on Human Physiology

    Credit Hours: 3
    Explores the biophysical and biochemical, blood gas chemistry, and neurological and pulmonary reactions to flight. A special analysis of human reactions to many of the extremes of flight.
  • AVS 5204 Aviation Safety Analysis

    Credit Hours: 3
    Provides aviation and selected non-aviation professionals with a strong background in aviation safety analysis. The material and methods studied, including a variety of safety databases, provide a foundation for safety management, safety program development, team performance analysis and personnel resource management.
    Recommended: Background knowledge equivalent to AVT 4301 Aviation Safety 
  • AVS 5205 Aviation Statistics

    Credit Hours: 3
    Explores a variety of quantitative data analysis procedures applied to available aviation databases (NASDAC, ASRS, BTS, NTSV) and other aviation-related problem sets. Emphasizes parametric and nonparametric techniques.
    Requirement(s): Graduate program chair approval
  • AVS 5206 Aviation Security

    Credit Hours: 3
    Vigorously examines post-9/11 U.S. and global national security issues. Reviews selected aviation-related case studies in terrorism and hijacking to help identify contemporary and emerging threats.
    Requirement(s): Instructor approval
  • AVS 5207 Aviation Safety Management Systems

    Credit Hours: 3
    Provides in-depth study of aviation safety management systems (SMS). Includes quality management principles, process-based safety risk management and safety assurance and proactive safety culture. Also covers predictive safety management tools and methods including SMS implementation strategies.
    Recommended: Background knowledge equivalent to AVT 4301 Aviation Safety 
  • AVS 5208 Advanced Aviation Safety Research

    Credit Hours: 3
    Requires advanced aviation safety research under the supervision of a graduate faculty member, based on knowledge and skills acquired in earlier coursework. Culminates in formal written and oral reports appropriate to the student’s area of concentration. Represents the capstone course for the program.
    Must be taken in the final semester of the program
    Prerequisite: AVS 5207  
  • AVS 5301 Multicultural Team Operations in Aviation

    Credit Hours: 3
    Explores the theory and origins of understanding multicultural teams, along with practical applications for management in the aviation field. Examines power distance, individualism/collectivism, gender difference and uncertainty avoidance in terms of Hofstede’s studies. Applies knowledge within a small group setting to create deliverables.
  • AVS 5430 Strategic Analysis in Aviation Using Game Theory

    Credit Hours: 3
    Presents a study of situations in aviation encountered by managers and engineers. Introduces and uses principles of game theory to analyze the situations in order to develop sound bases for drawing appropriate conclusions and achieving optimal results. Provides insight into why certain situations function the way they do.
    Prerequisite: AVS 5000  
  • AVS 5500 Case Studies and Special Topics in Aviation Science

    Credit Hours: 1-3
    Studies in depth a specific case or topic in aviation science.
    Requirement(s): Program chair approval
  • AVS 5899 Final Semester Thesis

    Credit Hours: 0-2
    Variable registration for thesis completion after satisfaction of minimum registration requirements.
    Requirement(s): Approval by Office of Graduate Programs and accepted petition to graduate
  • AVS 5999 Thesis

    Credit Hours: 3-6
    Preparation and submission of a research thesis on a selected topic in aviation science under the direction of the graduate faculty.
    Requirement(s): Program chair approval
  • AVS 6000 Quantitative Research Designs in Aviation Research

    Credit Hours: 3
    Introduces experimental, correlational, causal-comparative and survey research methodologies and designs. Includes corresponding statistical procedures. Emphasizes preparation of an APA-compliant quantitative research proposal related to the aviation field.
  • AVS 6001 Theories and Theoretical Models Applied to Aviation Research

    Credit Hours: 3
    Introduces theories and theoretical models used in aviation research. Covers the theoretical grounding of research. Includes deducing hypotheses from theory; using theory to answer research questions; relating study results to theory; and explaining how study results support, refute or build on current theory or promote new theory.
    Prerequisite: AVS 6000  
  • AVS 6010 Qualitative and Mixed Methods Designs in Aviation Research

    Credit Hours: 3
    Introduces qualitative research methods and mixed methods research designs. Covers sampling and data gathering strategies, interviewing techniques, data analysis methods, and rigor and ethical issues associated with qualitative research. Emphasizes preparation of an APA-compliant qualitative research proposal related to the aviation field.
    Prerequisite: AVS 6000  
  • AVS 6100 Applied Multiple Regression and Correlation Analysis for Aviation Research

    Credit Hours: 3
    Introduces multiple regression and correlation procedures for analyzing quantitative data involving two or more predictor variables and a single, continuous outcome variable. Covers coding strategies for categorical variables, interactions, ANCOVA and missing data strategies. Emphasizes aviation-related topics and data.
    Prerequisite: AVS 5205  and AVS 6000  
  • AVS 6110 Applied Multivariate Statistics for Aviation Research

    Credit Hours: 3
    Extends the concepts covered in AVS 6100 . Includes multivariate strategies involving multiple predictor and outcome variables. Includes multivariate analysis of variance and covariance, discriminant analysis, and other topics. Emphasizes examining, interpreting and reporting findings corresponding to research questions targeting aviation topics.
    Prerequisite: AVS 6100  
  • AVS 6200 Contemporary and Future Issues in Aviation

    Credit Hours: 3
    Focuses on current practices and research in aviation. Examines future trends in aviation and aerospace to identify research opportunities. Includes federal involvement, the Federal Aviation Administration and federal advisory committees, national and international law, global and cultural issues in pilot training, and safety and security.

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